My girlfriend want to shave her genital area, is within any harm surrounded by this?

She has notice the trend amongst women lately that completely shave all the mane off below. Personally I resembling the look but we are curious about any strength issues?

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It is an unnecessary and slightly disturbing trend, but not unhealthy as such.

The pubic curls is there to protect the vulva and vagina from dirt, however in our world today we hold easy access to baths and showers for each day washing to keep hold of our genitals clean so the hair primary purpose these days tend to be that of incubator for pheromones rather than part of a set of vaginal self-defence.

I would say near can be issues with shaving, for a start because pubic fleece is so course shaving is not the best option, shaving powder or wax is far better as there is smaller quantity chance of irritation and ingrown hair.

Ingrown hairs are the prime issue, as well as blade burn and irritation, a good Aloe Vera gel can sustain ease rotten any irritation, but I would tell her to mind as ingrown hairs can become infected and the lymph nodes in her groin nouns can become inflamed.

Of course a clean sharp cut-throat if she does choose to shave, shaving with the hair and using a good shaving foam making sure not to get hold of any within the vulva or vagina, also rinsing fully. Being massively careful next to the blade, particularly for fuzz within the vulva, if she cuts consequently the best thing to use to prevent infection is for a while tea tree oil.

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Perfectly hearty to shave it off.

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There are no vigour risks, but it may itch at first. Maintaining it regularly should help.

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As long as it is done in a hygienic and assiduous manner, at hand should be no problems. What I mean is a honourable, clean blade; lots of rinsing with clear hose down after; and being painstaking where she shaves. She might want to catch something called "Bikini Zone" which help minimize the red bumps some women get after shaving. Also, after shaving once or twice, she may opt it's not for her. It can be quite itchy as it grows rear legs in; if you want to keep going the look it can be quite time-consuming also. Good luck to both of you! :)

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There are typically no adverse side effects to a shaved pubic area. The problems go down from the little red shave bumps that some women get, and from the potential of adjectives oneself. Other than this, its fine.

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There can be some health issues resembling a infection from the shaver or there could be a allergic sensitivity it depends on the person that requests it off typically a lot of girls want it stale so its pretty safe and also down near is DELICATE

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No real strength threats....but a few notes: one, it may itch resembling crazy for a few days. Two, she might get ingrown hair or boils, which could be very hurting in that nouns. Third, there is a explanation we have mane "down there...." it's so the fuzz can trap any bacteria, dirt, etc. until that time it can get into the vagina and raison d`??tre infections. So she does run that risk. My motto is, if God put it there, it's here for a reason and no inevitability to mess with it!!

Hair?! I am 21 and own had masculine pattern baldness for 7 years in a minute. Could I be having a hormone problem?

well its fine ut bumps may apear and be red i may be itchy for a couple of days


Its immaculately healthy, nearby no reason she wouldn't be competent too. Other then the reality of razor burn ouch...

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No, not unless you cut yourself. Just be careful, lift your time and use a sharp razor and plenty of shaving cream. It's in fact cleaner and healthier and guys love it.

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no legitimate harm unless u dont use a verbs razor

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Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are pro tem hair removal methods.

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