
What do you think of masturbation population? I know its a controversy issue. Many people find it immaculately okay to masturbate, while some others find that its against God to masturbate.

I dont know either. I'm a christian; I'm a 14 year matured girl who masturbates.. I do enjoy the process, but after it, i have a feeling so guilty that gradually it decrease my self-worth.

I dont know. What do you guys think something like it ? I would like to know around your views.. christians please. :)

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I don't focus God would pass judgement because you love your body satisfactory to experiment and feel yourself.
If you cannot love yourself and surface comfortable in your own skin, after how can you expect anyone else to enjoy one and the same things you do about yourself.
If you know what things you resembling, where you close to them and how to respond, then when it comes to getting a unadulterated loving relationship, not only will you hold a wonderful relationship, you will enjoy respectively other more since you know what you want.
Do not apologize to anyone and do not feel guilty roughly knowing what you have. I see you as a positive human being that is experimenting, which is educating ones self, and not itinerant spreading diseases. God wants you to love yourself surrounded by all aspects, in attendance is nothing to be ashamed almost.

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do what u do. i connote who knows what is right and wrong. i arranged that i would just ask God what i did when i see him. If he is forgiving resembling they say i should be fine.

So receive ur cuz i get mine.

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I am a christian.but honestly millions of people masturbate. God forgives sins. Apparently looking at someone the wrong track is a sin. But sins are forgiven. Go ahead and enjoy it.

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Don't agree to anyone or any religion make you discern your of less worth for doing this practice. It is your body and your right to do anything you want to do with it. I hope you can find the peace inwardly yourself to become self accepting... Take Care

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Everyday we commit sins.God forgives us but if u commit duplicate thing everytime next God is not going to forgive u.Anyways it's ur life.U wish if this is good....

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I don't see a problem near it!

IS it wrong to masterbate? WOMN ONLY?

Well, me I don't think it's anything fruitless. It cant be!.
I know what you mean roughly speaking the guilty but it goes away.
I be told, guys feel same agency.

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Don't feel guilty

It's impeccably natural, regular and healthy to masterbate

Be confident within who you are

I feel so repulsive and fat?

I am a 15 year older Christian girl.

As far as masturbation itself being a sin, I'm not sure. I don't presume the Bible has any direct reference to masturbation in specific. However, the Bible does say multiple times that lust is a sin. If you're looking at pornography or imagine sex with someone while you're masturbating, afterwards it would be considered lust, which is a sin.

As far as God forgiving you for your sins, it's true that He does. But just because you know He will forgive you doesn't connote you should deliberately disobey Him. If you truly love God, you won't want to sin, because sin sadden God. So don't be decieved like everyone else and muse it's "okay" to sin because God is supposed to forgive you. That would probably fall underneath the category of "testing" God, which the Bible also forbids.

The guilt you feel may be the Holy Spirit contained by you trying to tell you that what you're doing is wrong, basically like how you'd be aware of if you told a lie or stole something. It's resembling a little red flag within you that makes sure you know when you're doing something that isn't right.

Bottom vein, doing any sort of sexually related practices outside marriage is close to playing with fire. If you be aware of like you shouldn't be doing it, later you probably shouldn't be doing it.

P.S.-- If you want to stop masturbation but you're having trouble keeping your mind sour of it, try praying and reading your Bible. Focusing on God will help you resist and even forget more or less temptation.

Hope this help. =)

For u women i have a quiz, how do u know when ur going 2 have a time.?

you don't talk similar to a 14 year old.

Do you contemplate masturbation is healthy?

If god hadnt looked-for us to masterbate then he wouldnt own made it so enjoyable would he!
Dont quality guilty its perfectly innate and not a sin, your not hurting anyone, so how can it be a sin!

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carry on, otherwise u only just ger wet dreams and sperm builds up

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Don't worry! I masturbate too. It's not a sin. Ask your doctor or check up on some websites. It's NORMAL. I do it ALMOST every sunshine!! I love rubbing so much!!

? muscle cramps,legs hurts to walk?

I am a 15 year hoary boy. I am also a christian (catholic to be specific) and I go to a small catholic college with individual about 45 kids to a echelon. The teachers and priest brand name such a big deal just about it saying how serious of a sin it is. But consequently again they say that everything is a sin so i.e. not saying much. Also, I too masturbate. Guys contained by my class talk roughly speaking masturbation all the time. Bragging on how far they can shoot and acting similar to it is a game. They even discuss different methods similar to whether or not they use a sock. Anway only resembling two or three guys in my class don't own up it so I'm not sure about them, but the rest do. So I don`t know it is bad and conceivably it is not. Honestly, I do not know. But I do know that once upon a time the idea of evolution be frowned upon and you could be condemned for believing in it. Today, it is perfectly okay. Maybe God doesn't mind and it is a short time ago the priests and preachers (and parents) that do.

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