Irregular Menstruation and Diarrhea...?

Okay, this is a little bit gross but here go...

I had a great deal of troubles with ovarian cysts going on for a year or so ago. Ended up having initiate surgery and the docs found out I don't even have an ovary on that side! Just the duct ~ producing ovarian cysts. Wierd huh? Anyways they cauterized it and said that should be the cease of my issues.

Ever since, I have have terrible bouts of constipation followed by diarrhea. Sometimes it will be a week or more in the past my bowels move! Anyways, when this happens, I other, always find my "period" along with it. Meaning I obtain my period twice, sometimes 3 times a month!! I've be to the doctors several times for this, and they just prescribe birth control. Sometimes it help but not always.

It newly dawned on me this evening, what if I'm not in fact getting my period ~ is it possible that my constipation is cause irritation inside and that is why I'm bleeding? Or is my system only way out of whack? Should I turn back to the Dr next to that?

I'm almost 18 and my period is irregular. Is it because I skipped meal and not enough sleep?

you inevitability to have a blood testing because the lack of an ovary cause hormonal imbalances that can be taken trouble of with the proper medication.
Good luck and you can control this.

Premature Ovarian Failure and douching?

I suggest that you wish a second opinion from a different doctor. It is not athletic for you to be bleeding that much per month. It can be dangerous... I know that sometimes diarrhea earlier a period is adjectives but not like you own described. Good Luck and I feel for you!!

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