I'm 22 and worried about irregular bleeding, can anyone help out?

After handing surrounded by my dissertations i had sex next to my boyfriend for the first time in a month or so. I started bleeding during sex and go on to have my time. This was powerfully over a week early (usually 35 days) which i put down to the stress. I use a mooncup so could relate it was dark, not as heavy & did not hurt as usual. It stopped completely for going on for 6 days & i had sex beside him again two days ago & tonight i started bleeding with the usual term symptoms of headache and tender back. I sometimes enjoy really extreme reactions such as nausea, swollen joint, sciatica and horrible cramps but nothing resembling this before. I've be trying to research it on the internet which has not here me really unsettled. Also a painful complicated lump came up on the flesh on my pubic bone 5 days ago which i thought might be a bite because it didn't look approaching a spot/ingrowing hair. Do you ponder there is any relation. I'll try to see a Dr. tomorrow but would really appreciate any thoughts in the past then. Thanks

My discharge smells close to milk?

Could you possibly be pg? Sometimes when pg your cervix can bleed from sex.

It's normal?!?

Are you sure you're not pregnant? You may be pregnant.

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