The new pill to stop menstruation?solely womens?

what do you now just about this new pill entitle lybrel that stop menstruation so if you take that pill your not going to ovulation and you can't take pregnet or do you now how it works? and what do you reason about that would you used?

Birth Control Pills?

You don't ovulate when ever you bear any kind of oral contraceptive, the bleeding you hold is just bill bleeding from the hormone cut off. I'm on a tentative pill called loestrine and its be 2 months I'm still waiting for my "period" to come, i personally don't approaching it, it freaks me out.

Having severe stomach pain after intercourse?

u know that if u wrote individual women, all men are gonna answer

What does it parsimonious wheni bleed out of my Vaigsan?

No one knows the danger of this drug for sure. I wouldn't dare take it.

Don't mess near what God designed. Value your body and health.

A drug should be on the open market several years before the true sanctuary is know. The drug companies want the MONEY.

Vagina question, woman.?

TRUST ME if ur regular, DONT MESS WITH YOUR CYCLES by taking this pill! i've never be regular, and im not about to dance messing with my cycles, cuz i already did that by taking birth control pills for a few yrs NEVER AGAIN. plus, that pill hasnt be out long enough, what if at hand are horrible effects from it they arent aware of yet until a 20 yr study comes out?

Big Boobs?

I would avoid taking it

My spell dissapeared?

I wont bother actually typing my view...i get attacked when i confer the facts on this! So I'll just impart you this link...this site is great, the Mayo Clinic is respected adjectives around the world.

EDIT: When on the pill the uterine lining does not build up...explicitly partially how the pill prevents pregnancy. Therefore here isnt anything for the body to get rid of. The "sludge" doesnt build up!

At what age do ur boobs stop growing?

The item about this pill is that ovulating is a drastically important cycle contained by a woman as well as the shedding of blood. The shedding of bell releases elderly damaged RBC that are surrounded by the endometrial lining of the uterus. Just presume logically, not about you body but anything, would you want to steal something that would not allow you to shed? what would happen to you grease in the vehicle if you never changed it and just tolerate it build up? One day it would be full of sludge. I individually believe that this is why there is a increase of so frequent women's cancers and breast cancer as powerfully because all of these forms of birth control own high doses of hormones within order to affect your cycle. I would not be anybodies "trial case" approaching they if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is. The shedding of blood is VERY key and I don't care what anybody say, the pharmaceutical companies are lying to women and not telling them the material dangers of BC.

Hi does a man concern what color a vagina is ? dark or frothy? SELF CONSCIOUS HELP?

since when did having your length become a handicap.. this is life and normall.. when you dont capture your period your body go through un natural change,, and you want this to happen,,, why? because your slothful and dont want the hassle of tampons and pad,, or your too busy and dont havethetime. individual a women is not a handicap or a disease and we should stop treating it and us like it is.

Sex and why this is happeneing!?

No, I would not use Laybrel.
At first I thought it be not true, but it is, a pill that stops periods!! I feel that is obsurd, menstration is a sector of being a woman!! I have to research this myself.
Laybrel has be developed to stop periods for women who experience headache and difficulty with it, but symptoms and distress during menstration are caused by something resembling lack of exercise, poor nutrition etc. It will also be used for continual contraception. I am no doctor but I have a sneaking suspicion that by stopping your period unnaturally you are stopping your body from doing something that it is supposed to be doing. More concentration should be in the throbbing relief and the end in.
Women should not be excited about stopping their interval either, because it's a sign of worthy health. it is a portion of your womanhood. Of course menopause happens, but to be exact natural and your body is doing what it is supposed to do at that age. Do we know that stopping your time of year is safe anyway?
The FDA say that the risks of using Lybrel are the same as other oral contraceptives, those risks are increased risk of:
1. blood clots,
2. heart attacks
3. strokes.
And from what I hold read, the label warn that cigarette smoking increases the risk of serious cardiovascular side effects from the use of combination estrogen and progestin-containing contraceptives.
I guess if you smoke you don't mind taking risks, but still!!
And what if you fall pregnant but don't know because you don't return with your period anyway? Then you will be taking pills while a newborn might be growing inside!! What will happen to the kid then?
Womanhood is not a disease, helllloooo!
Well that's newly my opinion.

To procure more info, a good investigate engine is or check out mayo clinic website as well.

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