Does anyone know of any reason for other have bright wan urine. Not dried up, and no STD.?

My urine is has be bright yellow for the end month or so. So is the toilet tissue after wiping. I don't enjoy a discharge issue, so I am not sure what that is roughly speaking.

It is not an STD since I have be tested. I was on Zythromax for strep throat so frequent undetected infections could have be cleared up.

This is not a dehydration issue because I constantly drink water. In a month I may enjoy 1 or 2 beverages that are not water.(I pee profusely because of that. Every so often my urine is clear, but not commonly.) It doesn't seem to thing what I eat or drink. It doesn't effect the color.

My urine habitually has a "nutty," type oder. It's strong. Sometimes I can smell it 10 min. after I enjoy flushed it away. I always wondered in the region of it, but assumed it was from the sleeping pills (benadryl) I whip which have are gel cap.

Anyone have any hypothesis if this is an issue I should be concerned with. I will mention it to my doctor contained by a few weeks at my check up, but am curious if anyone had any thinking

Answers:    I've read that bright yellow, or unusual smelling urine can be a sign of diabetes. Are you overweight or does your family own a history of diabetes?
Taking multivitamins can change the colour of urine to bright ashen, so if you have be taking some sort of vitamins this could be the problem. I don't know about the sleeping tablets but i guess they could do indistinguishable thing. Definitely verbalize to your doctor!

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