Why do women tend to be more shy in relation to sex?

Just another double standard?

It is more common for men to discuss masturbation as something they do, it is more adjectives for men to talk around sexual health, and it is more adjectives for men to talk almost their sex lives. -or so it seems from my point of judgment.

It seems the one and only women I ever hear talk something like are "slutty".. Or tend to sleep around a lot and are emotionally in a state due to sexual confusion.

Is it just our medium that allows men to be this way, and our culture that teach women to be more conservative with the path they feel and what's physically going on beside them?


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because for so long... it have been 'wrong' or 'rude' for a woman to admit that she enjoy anything sexual...
the church (which was formed and run by men) made it so that women be 'sinners' and 'evil' and 'dirty' in order to gain control ... admit that we have conventional physical needs etc... be turned into something bad that the church used to 'prove' that women are unpromising...its all too complicated to write on this forum... but its adjectives historical fact...next to loads of doccumentation to back it up

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its more adjectives for men to discuss

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It is just how we are socialized. Men who are sexually influential are not treated as if there is something wrong beside them. I don't judge nation for having sex because, as Woody Allen once said, it is the most fun we can enjoy without laughing. Therefore, any time you want to chat about masturbation, convey me an email..

Scared to go out, serve please.?

I must travel in different circles than you. I hold been friends near many women who enjoy been up front and honest roughly their sexuality. It's a matter of who you are.


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As u catch older, resembling late 20's, u'll abate shy about that stuff. i in public talk roughly speaking anything sexual because i'm confident with myself. The simply ppl that view it as slutty are the ppl that own something to hide..as surrounded by THEY ARE slutty that goes for guys and girls.

And anyway, girls really shouldn't be conversation openly just about that stuff under the age of 25...else it does come stale as a little TOO grown-up for your age.

Girls help please?!?!?

That is probably a moment ago how it seems to you, because human being a guy I feel the exact contrary. I think it of late seems this style because men talk give or take a few sex in a more unripe way, not other exactly talking roughly their sex lives as much as just sex contained by general. To me women yak to each other much more in the order of their personal sex lives than men. However i agree that our culture treats women who overtly enjoy sex as "slutty", whereas men that are duplicate way are considered commonplace guys.

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I intuitively think it's our culture that teach us to be more conservative but i like how we're approaching that...sex is a precious thing and shouldn't be discussed adjectives out there

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They aren't shy. Society tells women they are whores if they express sexual vibrations too openly. Most of the time women fur their sexual feelings until they are comfortable.


Pretty much, it's one and only on TV that men sit around talking around masturbation or their sexual health, most recent conquest, but that's usually juts banal gloating.

I'm sure close friends, or close-knit groups that enjoy been around respectively other talk roughly speaking their sexual activity, but probably drinking is involved, so you nick everything with a pellet of salt.

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I'm vastly open something like sex and masturbation. A lot of my friends are open as all right when we are having girls hours of darkness but I do notice that they really don't speak about it outside of that. I judge it's considered unlady-like and not proper.

Really worried!,im 14 and i havent gotten my period for 5 months! relieve anyone?

Not the women I have met. Sex is a weapon and they know it, and use it. Some near demure, and some with indifference. Most beside greed and lust. I was raise with manners, chivalry, a christian guy, in a mennonite community. I be not prepared for the real world.

Birth control.?

Depends on the crowd u hang up around. I hang out w/ a group of 5 girls. We are kinda close. 2 of us are virgins, and 2 enjoy only slept w/ one guy and the other approaching 4 or something. We talk almost sex, maturbation, oral, all deeply openly. I cogitate when it comes to women people equate individual sexually open/confident w/ being slutty, and self shy/prudish about sex w/ mortal more innocent/virginal. My friends who talk almost sex but are a little smaller number comfortable about conversation about sex are the ones who've have it!
One wont look @ her own vagina! She was tricked into going to a pleasure do and it changed her mind.

I think ppl entail to be more open roughly speaking sex, not in a bragging provocative channel but in a more clear conversational way so ppl will know that sex is usual and natural. Not dirty, or whorish.

I conjecture the culture is changing, alot. Talk to college age ppl you'll see. Women (not freshly sluts) are becomming more comfortable w/ sexuality.

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