Girls lone plz....?

i just started my term yesterday.... any advice?

I necessitate help( women only )?

Cramps can suck. Take Advil or midol. You'll also probably capture emotional like mad. You may want to keep a journal/ diary. Putting your morale down on paper will give support to. When it comes to eating you unsophisticatedly have 2 option. Option 1: Even though you're craving something really unhealthy resembling brownies, etc. you chould eat a frothy salad and fruit. Option 2: Just go ahead and put away your brownies, Oreos, Mac and Cheese, etc. *Warning- doing this won't make you consistency any better physically, only emotionally. My counsel would be to eat hurricane lantern, because you will feel better after. Oh, and exercise. It really, really help. Do yoga, stretch, dance, ride a bike, anything. And talk to your friends. They relief so, so much because they go through everything that you do, and they come across to understand. Good luck!

Females just! do i tell my mum!? please relieve!?

Dont stress about it..this is commonplace..,just be instigate with your mom or your close friends and they will minister to you in anything way you obligation it

B Complex dosageand smell?

Check out
very deeply very completely helpful
Good Luck! =)

Ladies, please minister to me out.?

invest in some sort of hot water'll thank yourself for it subsequent (cramps and all-put it right where your stomach hurts and it seriously helps). advil helps as capably.

and always stock up on...items. even major up to when you know you're going to start. just so you don't find yourself short them when you most need them.

i usually gross myself something chocolate (or just something sweet) and pop in a movie that help me to forget about everything. a romance or a comedy...usually the former.

and newly realize that every other girl goes through are so not alone.

(and perchance its best to apologize to everyone beforehand for anything you might say during that week or so.)

Plase answer?

Yeah thats average ur gonna be fine

Swollen clitoris after oral sex!!?

if u haven't already, talk to someone such as ur mom. its nil to freak out about, its a colloquial part of go. it seems resembling a big deal in a minute, but soon you'll learn to live near it. good luck!

I am afraid to use tampons exact I'm afraid that the string will break?

lots lots lots lots lots of chocolate....

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