Is it possible for girls to get circumcised as a newborn?

ive known the view of girls getting circumcised at puberty because it means their clitoris have matured

its easier on a girl on the knowledge if she be circumcised if its the only style to circumcise a girl, well because she can remember!
as for guys... we cant remember what happen to us when we were babies. if guys go and get circumcised as a baby.. why not girls?
i didnt know what circumcision ment until i be 9! -.-
didnt even know i was circumcised..

so if i ask my girlfriend if shes be circumcised and she says no
does that connote "either" shes lying because she was circumcised surrounded by the recent years or shes telling the truth because you dont return with circumcised as a baby.

must be profoundly of pain going to circumcision as a pubescent girl

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This topic drives me up the wall, because nation insist on confusing female castration beside female circumcision, and women who should know better tolerate the terms carry confused so that men don't realize the difference.

Female circumcision is the same perception as male circumcision next to the same results: improvement of sexual arousal by removing a layer of skin from the most sensitive nouns so that it can be more easily and readily stimulated. With men, it's the removal of the foreskin, next to women it's the removal of part of the "hood" covering the clitoris. I believe beside women, it's done solely for the purpose of enhancing arousal, not for any other reason, and it's lone something a mature woman would elect to do. With men, near are either tribal/religious reason, in which armour it's usually done in infancy, or hygiene reason, in which armour it can be done at any age.

Female castration is the removal of the clitoris, comparable to severing the end third of a man's penis. It's done almost other at puberty, and only for tribal reason, and only to greatly dampen the woman's ability to become aroused, so she's solely likely to hold sex when a man initiates it. It's especially barbaric and grisly because it's generally done minus any anesthetic, against the girl's will, and at an age when she knows what she's losing.

What baffle me is how inteligent women who are allegedly against the practice can't get it through their head that calling it "circumcision" makes men reflect of benign male circumcision, and so men don't figure out why women are so upset about it, especially since 9 out of 10 men don't even know what a clitoris is or does.

The most upsetting imitation I've ever seen be a picture in "Life" magazine several years ago of a witch doctor adjectives out a young girl's clitoris while he and the mother laugh and the poor girl was screaming in agony. Personally, I hope all the perpetrators burn in hell for all time.

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it is possible for a girl to be circumcised as a baby and she wouldn't know if her parents hadn't told is too bleak your parents had you circumcised and you should try to prevent your girlfriend from mortal circumcised unless she has an actual condition that requires can bring back a version of a foreskin subsidise through restoration or reconstruction.remember when you hold children you should let them grow up and settle on for themselves if they are circumcised or not.circumcision usually doesn't need to be done.

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Female circumcision is a barbaric process which is bent in most countries.

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I do not know where you're from, but surrounded by western culture (Europe, America, Canada, etc), girls are NEVER circumcised!

The human rights group, Amnesty International, as well as the World Health Organization consider it genital mutilation. It does not serve any medical purpose and can in reality damage the sensitive clitoris underneath.

Girls are circumcised at puberty as a rite of path to womanhood. The pain they undoubtedly experience is division of the ritual. Allegedly, the intent is to try to keep women from enjoy sex, so that they remain chaste and moral. Unfortunately, it is still widely practiced in Africa and some muslim countries in the middle east.

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