Post hysterectomy problems?

I had a complete hysterectomy finishing fall. The doctor did not put me on hormones. I hold gained 30 pounds and my skin is dry. My vaginal is tight and have lost elasticity. Should I be placed on hormone therapy?

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First bad how old are you? Depending on your age you should probably be on some type of hormone dream therapy. Unfortunately the symptoms you exhibit are common, but not other the rule.Talk to your Dr. he can give the best direction about hormone psychotherapy...good luck.

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your doctor should have explained the option of HRT, which he didn't; your ovaries are what produce estrogen for your body, and now within is no estrogen in your body and it is cause effects.. go to a worthy gyno and explain your problems you may or may not need them, merely know that your body is in for some difficult change because of this. there are some organic ways to alleviate minor problems (like soy) but for the major problems resembling vaginal difficulties you may need HRT.

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Ive have alot of problems and only 32 only just had full abdominal hysterectomy 2 months ago and one week subsequently dr put me on hrt {premin}it has done wonders for me,i be having dark sweats real impossible,hot flashes,and all i required to do is cry i was soo upset over everything,chat to your dr,u need something .I have a really rough time but getting better since on meds,i be so worried about sex duration i heard adjectives the hooror storys after hystectomy ,mine is great so i guess its different for everyone.goodluck and talk to dr sure theres something that will help out

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