What do you perfer, pad or tampons?

I am scared to try tampons b/c I feel they would hurt.

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They can be uncomfortable save used correctly. Be sure and read the directions and if you still have question ask a parent or another female close to you.

I use both... depending on my flow and the leisure I'm involved in on a given day.

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You'll use them eventually, so why not try them now.

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you dont know until you TRY it... tampons are SOOOOOO much better try them... you'll be thrilled you did :] <3

Just another tampon question :P?


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i hold been using tampons for 7+ years. As long as you relax in the past putting them in, they dont hurt. The first time is a little humiliated, but shouldnt be painful. Also if you can surface it inside of you, then it isn't adjectives the way inside.

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i be too, but it depends on what kind you grasp. tampax pearls are the absolute best!! the applicator is a really smoother plastic and if you put it contained by correctly you wont even feel it.

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100 % tampons. Pads net me feel similar to I am wearing diaper. Just read the directions and practice a few times. If it hurts then you didnt put it within there right.

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tampons are scary to infer of, but i can almost guarentee that once you start using them, pads will be your least possible favorite.
i definetly recomend u at least try tampons, they do not hurt at adjectives. =]

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I close to tampons better. They dont hurt. If you have no experience next to them and are worried they hurt dont be. You just call for to relax when you insert them and then the rest of the year you dont feel them at adjectives. I like them better because they are much smaller number messier than pads, and you dont own an uncomfortable damp pad sitting here in your nouns.

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Tampons dont hurt and they allow you more freedom of choice w/ your underwear. I use tampons with a wad liner just surrounded by case.

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Pads for a thickset flow..tampons for regular flows to little...they have petite sizes. If you follow the directions they distribute you..you shouldn't feel a point..If you really are uncomfortable using them..Don't until you are prepared!

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I like both of them. I be scared at first too but tampons do not hurt. I usually wear tampons during the morning and pads at dark. Just try it I'm sure you'll like them too. My simply suggestion is to get a pantyliner to wear near the tampon.

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pads. but if your going swimming, your gonna hold to try tampons. when i first started using them when i was close to a teenager, they feel funky going in and out, but you could never feel them once they be in and fit right. as i wore them more regularly and for longer periods of time, it did not hurt at adjectives! i still wear pads, but tampons are patently worth it if you are at the pool or beach or something.

righteous luck!

HI, I tried finding a site for this to be answered, but I couldnt. So im tryign here.?

I am a guy and would say "whichever one doesnt alarm you." But make the judgment quickly.

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I prefer pads-- glib to use, tampons hurt me, and no toxic shock syndrome.

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Tampons do not hurt. If they did not several women would be using them. I actually use both on calorific days.

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tampons for sure...they dont hurt at adjectives! u cant even feel them. i imagine they are much better and sooo much cleaner than sitting on a nasty wad all hours of daylight. u should try them...dont be scared. i feel the same route u did when i first tried them. but now i wouldnt use anything else. also in every box of tampons it comes beside illustrated instructions that shows u how to correctly use them. dont be worried.give it a try! biddable luck!

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Big girls use tampons. You’ll forget its all up within there after a few minutes!!

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I use both -- it depends on where I'm at and what I'm doing -- Tampons do not hurt -- go and get plastic applicators not cardboard -- don't leave them surrounded by too long. I would recommend Tampax Pearl or Playtex Silkguide.

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I hold been using tampons for years in a minute. They don't hurt at all! I started using them for swimming party and things like that and presently I always use them. They are kinda abnormal at first but I love them!

In the tampon box there is a composition that shows you the way to insert them so you can't discern that they are in here at all! At first I thought they would hurt and immediately I don't even think just about it! The only route you can know if they are right for you is if you just try them out!

Go for it!

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i perfer pads, with the sole purpose cause i didnt want to acquire tss...but tampons dont hurt, but if ur goin to wear tampons make sure u metamorphosis them every couple of hrs or watevr the box says...dont sign out them in longer..flawless luck on watevr u choose

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Of those two, pad.
With tampons, you have to insert it in, which can break your hymen (or at least possible weaken it due to it self stretched) if you (still) have one. Also, you hold to leave it surrounded by for only going on for 3 hours, or you risk getting Toxic Shock Syndrome and dying.
Obviously, with pad, neither of these things happen. But it can have a feeling like a diaper.

Tampon press?

Oh.no.a tampon cannot break your hymen. That is a bad myth. Don't believe that. Tampons, categorically. My mother made me wear the pads beside the belt (yes, in the 70s) so when I finally be able to use tampons--HALLELUJAH! No more "surfboards" between my legs, I other feel cleaner and don't hold to worry if the wipe slips and I get blood everywhere.

Here is a step-by-step guide for using your first tampon. I promise that it will not hurt when you draw from it in right.


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TAMPONSSSSSSSSSSS adjectives the way, they wont hurt if u put them within right

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i was to but they dont at adjectives! the only style it would hurt is if you didnt get it far satisfactory in but tampax pearl is awesome!! i am relating you..you will thank me for this one!

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i dont even have my...entity but i do know that most ppl perfer pads typically but when in or below water they use tampons - y not try and experimant beside a cup?

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All of the pad population keep mentioning TSS (toxic shock syndrome) as a defence to avoid tampons. Don't let that verbs you. That used to be a problem in the '70's and 80's. It is extremely pink to get TSS from tampons in a minute. Although scientists have conventional an association between TSS and tampon use, no firm causal intermingle has be established. A few specific tampon designs and high absorbency tampon materials be also found to have some association next to increased risk of TSS. These products and materials are no longer used in tampons sold in the U.S. As long as you use a tampon correctly, you have no grounds to worry.

Give them a try. They don't hurt, and they be paid life so much easier (and cleaner). I one-sidedly hate pad. They are messy, and I always worried that race could smell me. No worries with tampons.

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The won't hurt, but they can be tricky to use at first. Make sure you read all the directions, whip your time, and relax. You might have to practice beforehand you really feel comfortable wearing them. Tampons are abundantly better than pads, it's worth giving it a try!

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