I hold no period and no pregnancy interview I've taken is positive..what can it be?

I haven't had my length since January and I have taken a couple pregnancy test and they all come out cynical.I've been have nausea, pain surrounded by my pelvis and really bad heartburn,and I am other extremely tired can u help me please?

What could be cause me to still be bleeding--10 wks post partum?

It could be a number of things. If you are stressed you may not enjoy a period. I own PCOS(poly cysitic ovarian syndorm) and I only enjoy about 3 period a year. PCOS is when your release a egg but it turns into a cyst on your overies instead of you having a term.

Urgent! Girls only please!?

If I be you I would go see my dr or move about to a clinic. It is possible that you could have an ectopic pregnancy, or of late not menstruating due to being overweight, stressed, increase torpor. If you are sexually active and not using protection afterwards you should definitely acquire checked out.

Easy cures for urinary tract infections?

Are you normally pretty regular near your periods? Have you ever skipped months resembling this before? If you haven't ever skipped similar to this I would suggest going to a Doctor to have a blood experiment done. I've read things about hcg not showing up in some peoples urine. Have you be stressed at all?

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