I was wondering why i seize vaginal discharge after i get aroused and I also notice swelling of my vagina.?

Also, when a get vaginal discharge, sometimes its clear fluid and sometimes it's description of cottage cheese! So i was wondering if this is conventional?

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Everybody gets that. When you are aroused, your body starts thinking "WOOT, I'M GONNA HAVE ME SOME SEX!" It later increases your vaginal discharge so that a penis can enter you more comfortably (regardless of whether your arousal is related to a boy or a girl) and sends blood to the tissues of your vulva and vagina. The latter part is necessarily the same sort of item that gives boys erections... you don't enjoy the big blood vessels to imbue up and become rigid like they do, but you may catch sight of your clitoris becomes more prominent. All that blood make you more sensitive to whatever intimate contact follows the arousal. Completely average.

As far as the discharge, white, clear, and faintly yellow-tinged (but not yellow) are adjectives normal colors. The consistency will metamorphosis, becoming more sticky or thinner, depending on where you are surrounded by your menstrual cycle. If your discharge is actually resembling cottage cheese, particularly if it's associated next to itching, burning, or pain surrounded by your vagina, you may have a yeast infection. This can be treated by your doctor or beside otc medicines similar to monistat.

I was simply wondering how you put on a tampon?

The moistness and swelling upon arousal is normal. What is not common is the cottage cheese discharge as this is a sign of yeast infection.

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Your body is made to gross babies...and this is part of that, have that fluid, and extra warmth from the blood, is exactly what sperm inevitability to swim up to your egg - so naturally, when you're aroused, you're body is thinking "it's infant making time!" and it starts producing that reaction.

but yeah, cottage cheesy might be a yeast infection - look into that.

Her answer this one?

A slight swelling is cause by increased bloodflow from stimulation and a clear fluid is a natural lubrication.

A cottage cheese close to discharge is probably not normal, you nouns young, I know dealing next to issues of vaginal health discreetly can be difficult.

I remember once as a young person i my outer vaginal area be feeling itchy and irritated soon I asked my mom to take me to see a gyno but near her persistance on knowing my symptoms and sexual activity I be not comfortable sharing and thusly she did not take me to a Dr.


Luckily doesn`t matter what it was go away naturally and never come back, but if you are face with a problem similar to that, try other methods like finding a bearing to email your school nurse anonymously.

There are option, be healthy!

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