Anyone else heard going on for teh pill that stops peroids?

I saw it on GMTV this morning that in America they have trialled a pill that stops period (doesn't work for all women and girls though). Try their website google them if you didn't see it. Anyone know more roughly speaking it? Thanks.

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The pill is call Lybrel, and its a type of birth control pill that you take regularly. It be just approved by the FDA this week. Gynecologists enjoy been using birth control pills to suppress period for years. The research so far says that it's undisruptive, but there's not closely of long-term data out at hand.

PS - I noticed above someone said it be still in trials -- It have been approved very soon, just won't be available surrounded by the US for a couple months - probably due to the time it will take to produce and souk the pill

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Saw part of the pack of that on GMTV yes.

There has be so little medical research into it so far, it will be a long time before anything as dire as this is released.

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Yeah i read that to. Its still in trial stages and will be available in the USA (not anywhere else) until July. Personally i don't think i will use it. the pill is fine for me right immediately. Anything that screws up near my period is discouraging. besides my doctor told me that it can be damaging to your system if you miss more afterwards one period. but respectively to their own i guess

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yeah i hear about it on the report also. they said that it is safe to embezzle the pill and it is safe for you not to own your period anymore. i pocket the birth control shot though. it works for me. i dont kno if it works on all women because it simply depends on the womens body and how it reacts

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced approval Tuesday for Lybrel, a drug from Wyeth which would be the first pill to be taken continuously (no sugar pills).

In testing of Lybrel, 59 percent of women concluded up with no bleeding after six months, but 18 percent of women dropped out of studies because of spotting and breakthrough bleeding, according to Wyeth.

By the approach, it is safe to miss your period. Most doctors say at hand's no medical reason women requirement monthly bleeding and that it triggers health problems from anemia to epilepsy within many women. They details women have be tinkering with quality since the advent of birth control pills and now bear up as many as 450 period, compared with 50 or so surrounded by the days when women spent most of their fertile years pregnant or breast-feeding.

Question for women with the sole purpose?

Just get on the contraceptive implantation, ive not had a length for 3 years, don't miss em...

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It isnt that strange really. i have a marina coil fitted and I dont acquire periods. This bothered me so I asked my doctor. It is to do near a specific hormone that is contained by the coil. It stops the lining of yoyur womb from growing. If nil grows then in attendance is nothing to come away. Some of the especially first pills that were made have this in it but women werent comfotable near the idea so they took it out. The marina coil stays in for 5 years and i hold suffered no ill effects from using it. I am on my second coil. I have a pregnancy after having the first coil removed after 3 years. So, it doesnt interfere with the body in any mode. It is just the opinion of not having period that worries some people.

For those on the pill already, when your doctor tell you it isnt safe to miss more than 1 interval it is because the pill you are on is not meant to suppress a spell. Your womb lining still grows so if you dont enjoy a period it stays inside you which is desperate. But it is very different to what this investigational pill does.

Im a guy and i think im getting a spell what should i do?

there are actually several pills that if you skip the placebo pills you will enjoy little or no period. in attendance is a new pill explicitly designed to do just that. check near your dr or planned parenthood or and your local pharmacy.

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I used to take the pill straight through - no stopping for period.
It was a few years ago very soon (about 10!).

Speak to your Doctor (UK)

The pill I took was call Microgynon 30

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I don't know about that one but I pocket Micronor which is a mini pill (progesterone only) due to an intolerance to the combined pill, I don't have a break at any point, which is how it is designed to be taken and own not had a bleed within nearly 2 years!! which is fantastic!

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