Can you take pregnate if your on top?

My friend said you can't get pregegnate if your on top during s** that true?

Underwire bras?

Your friend should stop giving sex suggestion immediately. What she told you is totally unauthentic! If you have sex (in any position) you can go and get pregnant. Period. End of story.

Is my body fat percentage nourishing?

It is deff NOT true.

You can always bring back pregnant without protection.

Once the semen hits the vaginal fluid, it will swim to the insides.

Best agency to avoid pregnancy - DON'T DO IT, Or, USE PROTECTION.

Dont we need.?

Of course you can. You find pregnant when a guy's sperm ends up inside of you and it doesn't matter what position you're within, unless you're on the pill or he's wearing a condom, it's very possible to procure pregnant.

What are some at home objects a girl can masturbate with?

Of course you can.

OMG pleasee give a hand with spell. and waterrr? pleasee?

you can get pregnant from any position, even possible in need vaginal penetration

Periods and Nuvaring?

I guess so. It is possible to catch pregnant if the girl is fertile and she did not have indispensable protection.

Period Pregnancy?

You can get pregnant any approach you do it! Trust me. You have to use birth control everytime if that's what you are trying to avoid.

How heaps time have you have the "I think I'm pregnant" conversation?

Any time you hold any kind of sexual contact, on top, upside down, inside, outside, upside downside (doctor seuss would be proud) between the penis and vagina can infact return with you pregnant. The only road to not get pregnant? No playing at adjectives!

What is the easiest way to?

if you are have intercourse anyway and anywhere you are at risk for pregnancy

Ok.. the nuva ring? does it slip out when having intercourse?

The reality that you would even think that your friend might be right worries me. I know plenty of relatives in college that belive this sort of item. If you don't know the basics around how not to get pregnate, afterwards you should hold off on have sex.

Any good antiperspirants on the bazaar?

dude has your friend ever be pregnant? you can definately get pregnant. position doesnt business. the fact you hold to ask scares me. please use protection. and yes i niggardly condoms or other birth control. your friend wouldnt happen to be a guy who is trying to draw from in your pant would they?

HELP ME! se* help?

It doesn't situation what position you're in, the semen's gonna swim. And it know how to swim in adjectives directions!

I have never have sex butmy period is unsettled but i am having the symtoms?

Your friend is motionless wrong. If the male ejaculate into the vaginal vault, and it happen to be the right time of the female's menstrual cycle (the midcycle period), when the mucous plug within the cervix is thin, those several hundred million swimmers will move the process they were designed to move. Along next to that, those little fellas can stay alive for up to two days after ejaculation in the womanly body.

The very best means of access not to get pregnant is not to enjoy sex. It works 100% of the time. Not even condoms can say that.

I have unprotected sex last darkness and came on my spell today,does this mean I'm definetly not pregnant?

OMG! if your have anykind of intercourse type of sex... then YEAH!

Breast sizes?

no its not.
although some of the comes out the sperm is still swimming up.

Why am i bloated at dark??

lmao, oh my goodness, are you kid? you can get pregnant while on top, while on bottom, sideways, upside down, blah blah blah.if you enjoy sex(no protection, protection) you can most definitely go and get pregnant! how old are you? you must be too young at heart for sex if you're asking that dumb question

Girls singular please?

Yes, and even if you're standing up. As long as those little swimmers/man juice procure near your private nouns, you can get pregnant. It can even move about through underwear.

Is it normal?

I believe your friend will end up pregnant real soon.

You can go and get pregnant in any position, you can gain pregnant if the guy "withdraws" before he c*ums etc etc. Condoms are needed.

Girls backing me please!?

Honey if you don't know all the ways you can acquire pregnant, well you don't inevitability to be having s. Get somewhat more educated until that time you go any further. You don't enjoy to be listening to your friend, distinctly she don't know what she's talking more or less

What is the age a girl should start seeing a GYN.?

You can get pregnant any time you enjoy sexual intercourse without birth control.

If you have breast implants, did you experience . . ?

OH MY GOSH. If you are seriously asking this because you don't know, I will own to laugh. You can bring pregnant in any position (except anal, obviously).

Are you seriously that stupid?

Missed period?

no!!!!... shes a retard!

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