IUDS? Doesn't that hurt?

I'm thinking just about getting an IUD but I'm unsure roughly the misery. Anyone out nearby hold one? What does it be aware of similar to when it is put within? A pinch? I'm curious. I'm tired of using hormonal methods that screw near your mind and body

I enjoy already have my extent this month, but i am bleeding know, what could it be?

I hold Mirena...and I love it. If you enjoy not have a kid I enjoy hear that it hurts more. The IUD is inserted into your cervix, so it does hurt a bit, but resembling severe cramping. The procedure took roughly 1/2 hour, most of that be spent waiting for the topical to see contained by. The doctor did her point contained by something like 3 minutes and give me some vicodin for the cramping. I be sore and crampy that darkness, but be fine - go hiking the subsequent daytime and I am protected until 2011!
Oh, and I don't enjoy a term.

Can I grasp pregnant if I have sex while I be still contained by my time of year?

I get an IUD a year ago. I get the 5-year one call Mirena. There be a few relatives surrounded by the bureau at like peas in a pod time as me motto that it didn't hurt at adjectives. Unfortunately, mine hurt a short time when they put it within. I don't mull over that's conventional though. My doc said that she be have a knotty time getting it in. I assume you've have a infant past, so this is the best agency I can describe it. You know how at the bring to a close of the pregnancy, the pelvic exams (when the doc checks to see if you're dilated) start off to hurt for a time? Well, that's what it feel resembling to me. It just hurt while she be inserting the IUD (which by the road is TINY), but the strain go away immdiately afterwards. Also, a few folks suggested that I bring back it inserted while I be on my time of year because it's smaller quantity prickly consequently. That grossed me out, so I didn't do it. Maybe I should enjoy!
Good luck!! It's not that unpromising!

Ejaculating Inside a Woman While taking Birth Control Pills?

There is not one doctor out within who will insert one unless you hold already have at lowest one child - don't ask me why - I don't really know for sure - but that's how it is. You aren't supposed to consistency it at adjectives but the thought of a foreign jib floating around inside didn't sit very well near me! What REALLY hurts is have 3 c-sections! So I found a fitting bc pill - in that are so masses offered to work for YOU horomonally, shorter period, smaller quantity cramping, etc. Now I hold my 3 kids and have my tubes tied, cut & adjectives on the ends and don't have need of ANYTHING AT ALL anymore! Didn't hold a interval for the first 10 months any - but doing great immediately! Good Luck!

If I talk to my doctor would she ?

I own be considering getting the IUD put in as economically. I DO NOT want anymore kids right in a minute ( enjoy a 4.5 and 1.5yr behind the times boys) but I do not want the hormones any.
My dr. and sis within regulation swears that it newly feel similar to mentrual cramps for the first time. My Dr. also insists that it is put in on your cycle.
The means of access I look at it is this. if I can donate birth (vaginally) to a 9.14oz tot after I can procure an IUD put contained by. Pain is relative.
Good Luck!

Allrite i obligation to bring this straight?

IUD insertion feel close to a strong but brief menstrual cramp. If you hold already have a child and don't close to hormonal methods IUDs are great. Your period may attain heavier and more raw though.
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