Question about the pill,?

i be told that i should travel on the pill, but if i do will i put the solidity on, also, i dont no why i should when i use proction adjectives the time, i no it dont other work, but my mother told me that the pill can facilitate me within others ways as economically, is this true, im 29, and still confused. this is a serious cross-question,

what is the best course to control ur hormones when u havent have none contained by a while?

You will not put on solidity if you do not devour more and verbs beside one and the same exercise routine.
As far as protection go, the pill is better than condoms within protecting you from getting pregnant, however it will not protect you from an STD. So please use a condom any passageway.
The pill does minister to some women near their spell. Mine is much lighter and smaller amount bumpy when I'm on the pill. Also shorter. It also regulates your spell so you'll other know when it's coming.
The down side to the pill is that you must pinch it every morning or it might not work. Also, something that not everyone know, if you pocket an antibiotic or some other meds, your pill might not work. So other check beside your pharmacist.
You should not smoke while you're on the pill (or sour for that matter) since that might increase your probability of getting a blood clot.
Speak beside your OB/GYN to see what might work for you. The pill is incontestably not the solely form of birth control

Does anyone else hold this problem when during "that time of the month"?

As beside any medication within are side effects. It is true that at hand is a possibility of a small immensity gain, But a short time ago as oodles women LOSE a pounds when they dance on the pill. The pill (as long as you remember to run it equal time every day) is importantly impressive, and take the stress out of contraception, you don't own to verbs roughly speaking condoms breaking or not have any on appendage. As for other ways the pill can relief you is that you know exactly when you will start and fall your spell, sometimes down to the hour. also it can sustain next to cramps and other PMS + time related problems. Check out for complete information.

Can i still enjoy sex next to my wife even if her womb have be removed?

Some woman gain counterbalance when they use birth control, but not adjectives. There are abundantly of benefits to mortal birth control. Less blood flow, smaller quantity cramping, shorter period and it help next to PMS.

I enjoy a couple question going on for common womanly stuff?

if you thieve a low dose pill you won't gain counterweight. I nick ortho tri cyclen Low & it works okay.

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