
is it dangerous to enjoy sex whilst on your period , i enjoy been beside my boyfriend for 4 years and on a couple of occasions we hold done this , i dont care going on for the mess just wondered if it is desperate for me thanxs in advance


Miscarriage - Hormone level, need information if any one can sustain?

Nope, I have in actual fact heard that a orgasm is apt for there's a intention to do it more..if you don't mind the downsides. Good Luck.

Does having a d&c stop your term?

Nope. It's not bad for you at adjectives.

My first time? HELP!!?

I don't think it is desperate for you but it is a bit unsanitary...

Ladys please..?

i've done it, too. no it's not bad for you.

Ladies:Do you abhorrence tampons as much as I do?

No But Jeez get married

Would it annihilate a tree if you wear a bra?

ive heard it can do yeast infections easier. but me and my fiance do it, and nothing happen to her!

How can i increase my bust size?

wow i always needed to knoe wether u cud when having term. but its like so damn disgusting i tight-fisted whats wrong with ur partner adjectives that dirty blood yuck and that cramping pain geez ur nuts

Can a mammogram communicate between a cyst and something bad?

when you own your period your cervix( which is typically closed) opens so as the endomitrium will step away( it is the blood that comes out). if your cervix is open it is easier for the germs to reach your uterus and ovaries and produce inflammation. so try to avoid sex during period!

How do I completly bring rid of a yeast infection?

same here been near mine for 4 years too and nothing bleak happens at adjectives when your on your period

My daughter who's almost 18, have a sweating problem, not B.O, sweat.?

there is not wrong with have sex while still on your period. greatly of women do this, so no need to verbs.

During ovulation does is come out like discharge? If so, is it clear and stretchy?

It's not risky at all - a short time ago a bit messy. Some fellas don';t like it but others own said it turns them on!

Pms-any tips on ways to lessen the blood flow?

It aint healthy dear. scriptures denounce this. besides the blood which comes out is purifying the genito urinary system. uterus facing and the unwanted ovum is coming out. the blood is very strong and it can damage the penis. why dont you relax for in this day and age and do all the sex on other days. I know you would be remarkably much tempted, exact at this time the desire increases a lot. anyway. atleast use a condom during now for safe sex.

Does anyone hold any helpful tips to lose mass?

Practice safe sex...Watch pornography and do NOT form relationships, especially monogamous ones!

Monogamy and wedding are the biggest lies in the world of human relationships, and individual idiot men do them. When will men wake up and realize that monogamy and conjugal has be totally designed around benefiting woman, and stealing men's lives?

P.S. I have notice that a lot of "Safe Sex" sites on the Internet are censored, or as they would ring up it, MODERATED, even from any feedback whatsoever. This means that their standpoint on sexuallity is what they are promoting, and new discoveries and understanding are suppressed. How can sexuality ever achieve past the worst status in the world if knowldge and discovery are suppressed from cycling the Internet? Feedback is what make knowledge grow surrounded by our collective awareness and the Internet IS the COLLECTIVE INFORMATION of our COLLECTIVE AWARENESS.

Tampon problem! help please!?

It is bleak for HIM more than it is for U if I'm not mistaken...

It is mischevious in any method...

Should this EVER BE NEEDED, then ensure HE WEARS A CONDOM...

Watch out..

Lump on vulva?

no - its fine...

If a guy simply puts it in somewhat could he still have poped my cherry? please lend a hand serious ansewrs only please

It's adjectives good! As long as you both don't safekeeping about the mess, run ahead. Do you think you're a fetishist?

Women aid?

there are good and fruitless sides to everything in life, same item about sex during period.

bad first: ur more susceptible to infections while on ur period because of ur cervix being unfurl and tissue in ur uterus individual damaged and bleeding. so formulate sure u clean up other and prevent ejaculation inside..

good part of a set ofcourse is that indeed orgasms reduce cramps and anyways several girls get horny during their period so sex can be alot of fun. also if ur not on the pill etc, u dont have the risk of pregnancy during ur period at all. this is the one time per month u can be sure ur not fertile. (ovulation occur about 14 days after ur period end and the sperm would not survive for more than 2-3 days inside of u so by the time u could take pregnant, the sperm is already dead and passed out by the body)

Do I own a problem with committment?

No. If you draw from cleaned up afterwards it should not cause any problems, infections, etc. Just brand sure you get cleaned down at hand.


I haven't heard of it mortal dangerous, but simply make sure that you are using protection, because during the time of your length you are ovulating so more likely to win pregnant

Fox and CBS Refuse To Air Condom Ads?

it is unless you want t be a mother

Ovarian cyst?

Not bad for you. But it is kinda horrid.

Please help me to find i'm pregnanant?


I be wondering why i get vaginal discharge after i grasp aroused and I also noticed swelling of my vagina.?

um, EWWW! y would u want 2 own sex while ur on ur period? specifically NASTAY! DO NOT HAVE SEX WHILE YOU ARE ON YOUR PERIOD!!

I left contained by my nuva ring birth control 4 days past when i be supposed to. is this ok?

Nope it is not bad for you, and it may even back purge you faster.

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