During ovulation does is come out approaching discharge? If so, is it clear and stretchy?


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Most women inaugurate having discharge, delicately at first, soon after their period ends. This discharge is not stretchy, not extraordinarily clear and not copious.

Closer to ovulation the discharge increases and becomes clear and stretchy, resembling you mention. It is like egg white. This is "fertile" discharge, if you will. Although, sex prior to this time can and repeatedly does result in pregnancy.

You cannot assume that you are ovulating on a one day due to discharge alone. Discharge can alter for many reason. Most of us have a pretty routine cycle of it, but illness, medication, stress, diet, etc. can all affect it.

If you are seeking to become pregnant or to avoid pregnancy, using a combination of charting wake temperature and discharge signs works all right.

Do u feel gross after sex?

Yes it is as long as it is not fishy or sickly or green. But during ovulation you will see an increase in discharge and it may be sticky.

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