Mega t green tea/and other pills?

uhhhh ok...this is whatg happend
my dad jsut reccently got marryed again..(secound marrage)
and to get tyo know my stepmother we go on vacation to orlando florida...ok ? while we were their my stepmom give me 2 pills for no reason and i idk why they were caalled
the first one be
mega t green tea chewable pills
and the secound one was
papya enzymes..
i wanted to know what they did to me why she give them to me and are they harmful for me ?? im 14...just turned 14, 2 months ago

Recently changed my birth control pill and immediately I've skipped my interval...?

They won't own any lasting harmful effects. I don't know why she give them to you -- maybe she takes them and be just trying to "bond" with you.

Were you have any stomach problems? Many people use green tea and papaya to help near GI upset or irritation. Also, the green tea tablets provide mostly caffeine and people use them as an appetite suppressant or diuretic. Papaya also may act as a diuretic,helping you to procure rid of excess water in your body -- individual good if you have too much fluid -- otherwise the combination of caffeine and papaya will a moment ago act together to dehydrate you.

Don't worry -- you'll be fine. If you be aware of comfortable talking to her, ask her why she gave them to you. Tell her that you have been concerned about it and wondered why she take them.

I hope all goes okay for you!


Also, if you want to read about green tea or papaya for yourself, check out The Natural Standard website at -- They have lots of great information on herbal products and dietary supplements


Well i know the green tea pill is resembling a diet pill, but not sure about the other one, you should be fine though.

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