If a guy only puts it surrounded by a little could he still own poped my cherry? please help serious ansewrs solitary please

im not really shure how far he entered me bc i wuz drunk> i know that he did not win all the process in but i wuz bleeding afterwords does the bleeding mingy that h epoped my cherry? also it burns really bad in a minute when i pee am i still a virgin? and does this mean i could be pregnant even if he did not budge all the track in me? i am so startled about this please pass any adivice u have

Women please?!?

The hymen is right near the pipe of the vagina, so most likely he ruptured it. And no, you are not a virgin anymore. The burning is probably run of the mill. I had matching thing for a few days after the first couple of times I have sex. I think it is the urine hitting the fresh wound of your torn hymen. If you hold the burning for more than a few days though, go bring back checked by a doctor. I'm going to assume he didn't use a condom, since you didn't mention it. You now enjoy to worry give or take a few pregnancy and STDs. If it is within 72 hours, you can still use emergency contraception. And you should go and get yourself to your doctor or a clinic to get tested for STDs.

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yu he popped it, and your simply virgin if you choose to be, like after that you can still be abstinent, until you receive married. as for the pregnancy...i dont know unless he didnt have a complete "session" with you, later you might not be pregnant(let's hope he didnt ejaculate too early). next time when you travel to a party bring someone who wont drink/get drunk and enjoy her monitor you so this wont happen again, and i said her because who know, what if the guy you pick secretly likes/lusts for you and when you draw from drunk, he'll see it as a chance. you should step see a doctor, get checked for std's and anything concerns you about your body recount your doctor. ohh and if your underaged you shouldnt be drinking, because it can really mess you up emotionally and even get you depressed, contained by other words it'll make everything worse plus your liver will leftovers faster.

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well that sounds like penatration to me, which is technically what is defined as sexual intercourse. Burning when you pee could be a urinary tract infection and you should catch that checked out by your local Dr. It is very adjectives in females because our urethra is so short and it is so close at hand to the anus. As for being pregnant, if he ejaculate at all close the vaginal opening is could be possible, but notably unlikely.
Sorry that this happened this means of access, if there be no consent from your part you do realise that, this is in fact rape. You should talk to someone to be exact close to you. Your Mother, aunt, teacher or close friend.

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No, you are not a virgin anymore. You can still win pregnant even if he did not go adjectives the way contained by you,or if he didn't ejaculate. Go take the morning after pill if you are afraid you might gain pregnant. You can get it at planned motherliness (look online for a location near you) or your local strength district.
It hurts when you pee? You probably have a UTI which is outstandingly common within young girls who own sex because your body is not used to the microbes that is introduced into your vagina and urethra (your pee hole.) However, it could denote something more serious, like an STD. If it persist, go to the doctor because those things DO NOT treat on their own. You need antibiotics.

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People hold different ideas of virginity but I would utter that you are no longer technically a virgin. The bleeding and burning sensation is normal after the first time, if the burning sensation continues though when you pee you hold probably got a urinary tract infection from intercourse (also legally common), you can get treatment from a pharmacy or drink lots of cranberry liquid. It is not likely that you would become pregnant if he did not ejaculate within you but you must still take assistance - my advice would be steal a pregnancy test (which you can buy at any pharmacy or supermarket relatively cheaply) soon so that if you are pregnant you have time to explore adjectives your options. And as you would expect be careful beside your drinking - know your limits and be paid a pact with a friend if you can that you will study out for each other so that you do not pause up in a fundamentally bad situation.

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Hate to break it to you, but you are not a virgin. Your hymen may enjoy already been broken beforehand (it usually breaks beside masturbation, overexertion, etc.) so the blood may have be the walls of your vagina ripping (common when losing virginity). You are possibly pregnant and you may possibly have an STD. And you be drunk, so that is rape. File a report against this guy ASAP.

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