My first time...? HELP!!?

Ok I'm not trying to be perverted this is a real cross-question. Im 19 and a virgin,and all I hear is that your first time hurts. Is this true? It should be something to look forward to, but hell if it's going to hurt and suck I might as okay just acquire it over with.

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It all depends on the character. For some it hurts, for some it doesn't, and there are things you can do to stop it from hurting as much. Having a righteous partner who is willing to bring in things comfortable for you is one. another is lots of lubrication, i recommend Astroglide, it doesnt dry out as fast as KY does from my experience. Another is person comfortable with what you are doing and have no feelings of guilt associated. Losing your virginity is something you should own control of and you should do it when you are ready, not only just because you think it will hurt and want to draw from it over with.

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If your next to ssomeone that will be patient and soft with you it singular hurts for a second then your overwelmed near pleasure. Just find a good man!! Good luck child!!

PLEASE read and give your thoughts HELP?

first time yea. you shouldve used a dildo but if you really needed to keep your hymen... i guess it's better.

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wait until you are married

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Don't waste your first time as something to a moment ago get it over beside. If you're with someone special he will form sure that it's all upright for you. It doesn't alway hurt first time. My first time didn't. I

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ok it hurts if your not arroused .. i academic this after my first girlfriend .. well if your into it and most big , if your wet afterwards it wont hurt as much

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It is true, because there is a skin i.e. ripped open a bit and it will hurt depending on the size of the manly you are with. The more normally you do it the less of a arbitrary you have of that skin growing together again. I know it probably sounds gross, but it happen. So if you go a few months minus doing anything and then going put money on at it again and it hurts that skin was torn amenable again, but you'll get used to it. I'm seventeen and mournfully i know all of this stuff, but a moment ago wait for the right guy is adjectives im going to tell you.

I have sex and the condom broke but then 3 days after that i got my interval?

I would say that yeah, it did hurt for a moment and you will more than likely be for a while sore the next hours of daylight. Saying that you should 'hurry and get it over next to' is ridiculous, though. Don't have sex freshly because you can. Do it because you are really in love beside the other person and you are likely and READY to take your relationship to the subsequent level. You might not imagine so now, but your virginity really is a big agreement. It's a one shot thing -- don't misuse it on some loser or because you are just sick of waiting around. Be smart, girl!

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2 guys answered first figures.
Everyone feel that their first time is going to hurt. Because well it's going to. but the amount that it will hurt is different.
I suggest informing your partner to go assured and use lots of Lub so that it's not to much for you. after the first couple times you will enjoy it.

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No sweetie, don't just bring back it over with. If you are going to permit someone into such a private part of your energy and experience pain it really should be someone you love and trust. They should be lenient and tender and understanding and be prepared to listen if you say to stop or don't do that. Yes, it hurts, but it is so full of mood and you will never forget it and please let it be special.

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Okay, i am an experienced sex contrivance. My first time burned the heck out of me! When he goes down for the 4th position net sure you go to the right, it wont hurt as much. Hope you dont bring back burned. Have fun Tiger.

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My first time hurt resembling hell, I was a moment ago about screaming for him to stop. It certainly took many times to stop hurting and sometimes it still does even after I've have a baby. Everyone is different though. For some of my friends their first times didn't hurt or with the sole purpose hurt for a little while. It does gain better though so don't worry! In any crust, it probably won't be the pain you remember when you ruminate of your first time. And don't try and get it over next to just bring you think it will hurt!

Urgent Problem.PLEASE HELP!?

For the woman, yes, most of the time it will hurt the first time and be messy.
But after that, it is great and addictive for both man and woman... It is something to look forward to if you wait for your true love or at lowest possible till after your marriage. Great if both are virgins because its a first for both and something to other remember... Don't Rush into it, take your time... Good Luck.

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okay so im a virgin miiself im 15 and ive asked alot of friends, family member and even a docter if its really that painful
some of mii friends sed that it's not so much painful as it feels apt, they sed it hurts at first but after a few strokes u forget the pain, and start love it\
mii family sed that it's more of a discomfort , mii mom sed it hurts close to hell and its very uncomfortable[ the certainty that ur virgina walls are expanding u would expect it to be uncomfortable]
and mii docter sed it could be very sensitive,
as far as im concerned i believe it will be painful, but if u do it next to sum1 who understands that ur worried and that ur worried he wont go tricky on u and make it worse later it already is. make sure ur organized to do it, take that big step, and dont a short time ago lose it bkas u think ur to mature to still be a virgin =]

p.s.- if u decide to be in motion threw with it i hope u wallow in it or for the most part i hope it doesnt hurt as desperate as they say and use a condom RAP IT UP!

Pericers single help please?

i em a hooka workan down surrounded by da getto. it doesn't hurt. that's why i have be doing it for so long!

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The answer is that if you are self-conscious and unsure and anxious it will hurt much more than if you are relaxed and sure about the individual you will be with.

As a nurse, first I must relay you that you need to tutor yourself about the risks of sexual hobby. You can contract STDs even if you dont have sex. Herpes or Genital Warts for example can be spread basically from skin to skin contact, with no infiltration. So ask him who he's been next to and how many citizens. Ask him if he's been not detrimental? Has he used condoms? Has he used drugs? IV Drug use is a very adjectives way that STDs and other diseases are spread. Those can consequently be spread to his sexual partners. If he's not sure, afterwards don't do anything. If you do decide to do it, use latex condoms.

My proposal, is don't do anything unless you are sure about that soul. There's no need to rush into anything. If it's the RIGHT being you will feel suitable about it and it will be a beatiful entity. If you are only doing it to maintain him around, chances are that he wont be around that long anyway.

If you want to go through next to it, take your time. If he tries to rush or push you, stop him. A girl requirements atleast 15 minutes of foreplay or kissing and touching so that she can "warm up". Being warm up helps you become lubricated so that it will creep into much easier. If you are dry, its really going to hurt. Please remember to use latex condoms, everytime. And dont be afraid to slow down or back out. If he doesn't read between the lines, then he's NOT the right guy.

Good Luck,
Angie R.N.

Birth Control and Spotting Question?

just net sure you're very aroused and lubricated earlier penetration and he should know it's your first time so he can purloin it slow and stop if you need him to

Girls i stipulation some help?

yes its going to hurt b/c its riping and stretching your vagina but it is something worth waiting for. you want it to be next to someone you trust and love b/c they will see you at your worst. you will be in twinge and will probably cry you want him to be there for you, not a one darkness stand that doesn't car almost you.

For guys only?

How discouraging your first time hurts, or even if it hurts at all, depends on you and the guy you are next to. If your hymen is intact, you may have a fundamentally small amount of pain when it is broken and some bleeding. You may also own some pain if you are diffident and not ready for intercourse. You will be tensing your muscles and won't own enough lubrication. Foreplay is switch, it relaxes you and gets your organic lubrication going. Make sure the guy goes slow, and that you are prepared for him to penetrate you.

My first time be a very lovely experience. We had tons of foreplay ahead of time, afterwards he asked me if I was equipped before he penetrated me. I have a very minimal amount of affliction, which quickly give way to pleasure, and a hugely small amount of blood.

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