About to hold an abortion?

ok im about to hold an abortion, im goin to the clinic tomorrow and im going to be taking the pill (i dont know what pill but not the morning after since im like a month along) the doctor will probably steep me in tomorrow but i be wondering if anyone could give me some info. i know it will abort or miscarry around 24 hours after i whip the first pill so i was wondering how long does the miscarriage/abort process clutch, how painful is it, and will i be capable of be up and walking around and stuff? i know its wrong and im sure alot of you have a unpromising opinion of it but i really only just want that info. thank you.

Do YOU have a sense of humour?

Before you take bashed for your choice by some those on here, I just looked-for to wish you luck beside the procedure. Regardless of need or drive, I hope it all turns out OK for you.

The process should be explained by the doctor a short time ago prior. If they are giving you a pill, then you don't own much to worry just about, it should just elapse like a clot or little clots and you may hold heavy bleeding.

Don't be afraid to desire counseling or don't refuse it if it's offered to you by the clinic/doctor's organization. There is a lot more to this than taking a pill, and it's best to own someone to talk to if you want it.or even if you don't.

Good luck.

Women menstrating?

ohhhhh. Don't do the pill. It's horrible. Horrible. Telling you the truth. You are way better sour doing it the other way. I'm a short time ago being honest.. if you don't listen to me... you will know why I said DON'T DO THE PILL!

Im 13 and dont own my period?

I am not judge you at all, and the one and only reason I'm aphorism this is because you stated that you know it's wrong. I had a friend who have an abortion and she later really regretted it. If you don't one-sidedly feel it's wrong, consequently you have the right to follow through near it, but if you have any grill at all, I'd do some more research up to that time doing it to make sure you won't regret it following.
As for what it's like, my friend said the anguish was similar to have a very unpromising period and cramps, but she could still pace around.

Please understand and back me?

Honey, I really wish you wouldn't progress through with this. I am not some religious finatic, but I would be horrible to bring up to date you to go through next to this...I don't have a desperate opinion of you at adjectives...sometimes, we find ourselves in a trapped prediciment, but there is other a way...you could be ridding the world of the subsequent president or a loving child that would mean the world to you..are you highly young? don't you hold any help? This is a sin honey, and if you can possibly NOT do this, it would be best..I know masses women who do it, and then really regret it...I know that if you serve the Lord and in recent times either hold the baby and adopt it out, you will be blessed.and for those who hold given me thumbs down, shame on your for encouraging someone else to sin...this is NOT what our Father wants..so you can disgust all you want, and I am sorry if you have one, but you can be forgiven also...but it isn't right..and theses are GOD'S LAWS not mine.and I love My Father, and I want to do what is right in his eyes...though I too am a sinner honey.

Im a recently wed and I decited to get on birth control and on my first week of taking them i have sex and he?

Before you make this result I want you to make sure this is what you want. I do not know your age or the environment of the situation but I feel you want to reconsider. I own had friends who own had abortions contained by the past and are going through mental problems due to the miscarry. They hold telling themselves that they are failure and their "son/daughter" could have made a difference contained by this life. Do not gross a decision base off your boyfriends wants/needs. Sure your parents may be barmy with you, but you will gain more respect if you bear responsibility for your actions. Now, if you be raped, molested, etc. that is a total different story.
As far as taking the pill...I have have a few friends that have taken the pill and they did not perceive anything other than regret. If this is something that you are liable to face, I stipulation not stand in your instrument.

How to take the pill? pls involve help!?

Yes it is particularly painful, please consider discussion to a pregnancy counseling center that doesnt' kill your child. They are contained by the yellow page on the same page near the abortionists. You can put it up for adoption and make some childless household very optimistic.

Going to the Doctors.?


this is a good site for information

Spotting and hurting?

if you are hasty in your pregnancy its the pill to be precise named something resembling E450 you will be ok you will get cramps deem it gives you a big spell you should be fine

I hate awareness like i am wearing a diaper!!?

Why are you doing it that approach? Why not just enjoy a standard abortion proceedure where you are surrounded by and out in just about an hour and it's over and done with? This course sounds lengthy and throbbing. Why draw it out? And why go almost this with such unpredicible results. I'd make another study of if I were contained by your situation. From what I've heard miscarriages are long and incredibly physically painful (regarless if it's induced or natural) and abortions are simply mildly uncomfortable and exceedingly quick. I just bled for a couple of days after my proceedures. Otherwise - it was no big concordat. I'm a big baby when it comes to backache - so even if that pill thing you described have been an alternative I would have said: "No road! I'll take the pain-free leeway thank you very much!"

Edited to read aloud: KUDOS to the poster "Scuba" who's answer is next after mine. She's 100% correct! Do NOT permit any pro-lifer's try to scare you into thinking this is going to ruin your existence. That almost happened to me posterior in 1989 when I have my first abortion. I am sooooooo glad I didn't listen to those prolifers - because it's been almost 20 years - and I do NOT regret what I did. When I do cogitate about it my thoughts and state of mind are "Thank you Congress for passing Row v. Wade and letting me enjoy that option because God know my natural life would be terrible in a minute if I had HAD to walk through with that pregnancy!" Oh my gawd - when I expect off adjectives the opportunities I would hold missed out on if I hadn't had that abortion. it's disturbing! My life would hold been completely ruined and the kid would own suffered and had serious turbulent and mental problems. Pro-lifers are so desperate to stop you they will threaten all sorts of ridulous things approaching: "You'll get breast cancer!" Don't listen - it's adjectives lies. If you're not ready to be a mother or unqualified to be pregnant - you have to do what's right for you first formerly you can do ANYTHING in your existence that is right for anyone else.

Does shaving spawn the area around your vigina itch. I can't give the impression of being to get it to stop! The doctor said I make

Hi, I have an abortion at about 3 months, so too past due for the chemicals and did the surgery. I wouldn't have chosen the chemicals though. It's absolutely a longer more drawn out and painful process. Anyway, I've be there too and won't request for information your judgement. Don't let any pro-lifer bring you down. It's going to be sturdy after the abortion because they'll try to kick you when your down and if you want you need counselling, achieve it from someone who supports your decision and won't throw some bogus crap at you resembling 'post abortion syndrome' or make you have a feeling guilty. Therapists can be dangerous and do foul language their position especially when it's something like an abortion issue, that's why it's definitely necessary that you don't shift to a pro-life crisis pregnancy clinic ever. Pro-life crisis clinics take pre-eminence of women when they are in call for. As I'm sure you know, sometimes it's the most responsible consequence to have an abortion. Anyone who parley down to you or protests your clinic is just a clueless hatred monger although some of them are on the path to hell cobbled with moral intentions.

If you go to the Planned Parenthood website and hunt for 'chemical abortion' or 'medical abortion', you should be able to find adjectives the information you need. I know it's strong to find reliable abortion info on the net, but Planned Parenthood have got it.

Good luck!

Where can I find info on combinations of birth control?

You are doing the right piece for YOU and that is adjectives that matters.
The pill will result it a larger than common period. you might be tired, but it is close to a normal unhealthy period.

What the earliest age you should own sex?

I am not here to judge you motivation I had an abortion when I be only 16 my mom didn't want me to enjoy this baby. To this daytime I regret it listening to her. But immediately I am 21 and have 2 wonderful kids. I don't know what your situation is but if I be you I would think it through. May god bless you and be by your side near whatever choice you cause.

Stop sweating and start living details ?

don't do it

How shouls i tell my mom that i get my period?

My best friends merely went threw the "pill" abortion. The Dr give her two pills. One to take and one to shove up contained by her cookie. The abortion started almost immediately. She said it be just close to a VERY heavy spell. She had to jump change her wad (can't wear tampons) every half an hour or so. We of late stayed up all dark and watched movies. By morning it be over. She went to work the subsequent day.

She said it didn't hurt much at adjectives.. The Dr have her torment medication. She was competent to walk and capture around.. but it felt better when she be laying down,,

Hope this help!!

How likely is it to be diagnosed next to PCOS without have all of the symptoms?

I own done both the pill abortion and the surgical abortion. The pill abortion was smaller amount expensive - however it was exceptionally, very, enormously inconvienient. I had to embezzle 3 days off from work because I wasn't sure how long it was going to rob. Someone else here described (I think the poster's baptize was "Felicia"?) it as staying up adjectives night watching movies near her friend until it was over. Yeah, that's pretty much what it be like for me, but mine took a few days. It be very annoying to own to put my life on hold for 3 days.

The 2nd time I go for the surgical procedure and it was deeply quick. I be so shocked. I litterally could have done it on my lunch hour and go back to work right after. They told me: 'Make sure you enjoy someone to pick you up, take it effortless, etc..." Planned Parenthood made it sound similar to it was a big agreement when it was totally nought! I was totally fine 10 minutes after I be in repossession. The procedure took about 10-15 minutes, after I was contained by a comfortable chair surrounded by recovery for something like 10 minutes when all of a sudden I feel really, really good. Back to my infirm, normal self after 13 miserable weeks of self pregnant. It was almost close to my body had a life-sucking tumor removed and be suddenly rejuvinated. The only discouraging thing is, they made me stay within the recovery nouns for another 20 minutes to be on the safe side. I guess the pretext they wanted me to stay is because they didn't knock me out, but they did dispense me a sedative to relax me contained by addtition to a local anesethtic. Had I known the surgical procedure be going to be a piece of cake I would have decline the seditive they offered me. In recovery, near was nought to do, nothing to read, I be totally full of energy, so trying to stay still for 20 minutes be very boring. I get the impression bad because I must hold been the most annoying lenient ever. I kept saying: "I'm fine and I'm bored, can I check out of now? Can I move off now?" 5 minutes after that "Can I leave immediately? I'm bored". The nurse kept trying to recline my graceful chair and bring me to take a powernap. LOL! She finally let me move about 20 minutes later but told me to thieve it easy and if at all possible to get some rest. Yeah right! I get my body back and I be 100% fine. Take it easy? - I feel ready to conquer life span! This is what it must feel resembling if you are on death row and suddenly the Govenor call and says that you're are innocent and must be set free directly. Talk about 2nd likelihood! I walked out of that clinic hunch like a prisonor who have just be pardoned of his time punishment. A 2 ton weight lift off me. How can I filch it easy when adjectives I wanted to do be celebrate?

After the surgical procedure adjectives I had be just some atmosphere to light bleeding afterwards - not even anywhere close to as impossible as your normal term. Some very, hugely, very mild cramps - cramps that be not even worth taking an asprin for. It would have be a waste of asprin! One cup of red wine at lunch an hour later put a stop to those mild cramps straightaway. The markedly next light of day - light bleeding otherwise I be 'me' again. P.S. I know I wasn't supposed to drink afterwards, please no one start ranting on me. I know my body and what it can knob and if I can handle 1 chalice of wine after having a desirability tooth removed then this be no problem. As a matter of reality, speaking of wisdom teeth, have a wisdom tooth removed be far more worse than an abortion. I'll tell you why: you can't really grain you uterus, but you can feel inside your mouth and that's a great deal more sensitive. Also, with a sense tooth, there are stitches involved and a gaping hole in the final of your mouth - the wisdom tooth be definately much worse than an abortion.

However, I am glad that I took the afternoon off even tho I physically be fine to go vertebrae to work - instead, my friend (my "ride home") and I went out to lunch and have a nice afternoon shopping afterwards.

If you can afford it - I agree with some of the other posters here who recommend the surgical leeway: It's just soooooooooooo much more convienent. The pill is cheaper, but it's such a agony in the nouns to have to walk running into the bathroom several times an hour for 3 days to see what's going on. You can't really go out anywhere - because what if the flood gate open and your out at the drug store, etc...

Pill= too slow
Sugical=much better

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