Please understand and backing me?

well like i said i hold been on the pill and it have been making me spot brownish stuff and i am other having to where on earth a pad or a tampon.i hold talked to a doctor but she said it be nothing and so she give me pills for klamidia.i didnt even have that std! i have NO STD's she just did that because it be her job too, but i havent stopped this spotting. and i am not pregnant. this make me very angry and adjectives the doctors i go to make clear to me that im fine and it will pass but this have been 6 months!!

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I am An OB/GYN. I don't know why your doctor put you on that type of medication for chlamydia.There should be know origin unless you have the diease and if you do not after she should not have prescribed it for you.
Also so you know sometime when you are put on the pill the spotting never endsI
it adjectives depends on the person. Some women spot with the sole purpose for one month, some for six months and some will always spot.
For example I be on the pill for eight years. I spotted the whole time.
That be just how my body react with the medication. Also I be on the depo provera shot for 2 years and spotted throughout those two years. Hope this helps you out somewhat.

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Try to find another Dr to see and ask for a different type of Pill...the one your on may be causing this recoil , where another one may not... Don't lug no for an answer, you know your body and most Drs don't pay plenty attention..So take it within your own hands and formulate them change your prescription.

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I would gain a second opinion.

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Get a new doctor, or ask the one you enjoy to be very explicit. menacing discharge can be a sign of infection or of endemetriosis.... which cannot really be determined without a small outpatient surgery procedure. I would be concerned something like the endemetriosis if you are having severe cramping. Please do not wear tampons if you are with the sole purpose having the brown spotting, toxic shock syndrome can snuff, and is more likely to materialize when you use a tampon while bleeding is not heavy.

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Well a couple things. The spotting from birth control can be normal for a time. Brownish is the color of dried blood as powerfully, so it could be easy to mistake. I'm not saw that you are, I'm simply suggesting the possibility.

The doctor's job is not to make available you medication for chlamydia actually, it's her chore to test you for it, and treat anything that comes stern positive. If she didn't do so, I would certainly find a contemporary doctor.

The other thing to save in mind is that after six months, pretty much any reputable doctor is going to mention that here are many different types of birth control, and you may be taking the wrong type of pill, you may want a different strength for your needs, or any carriage of other thing.

My reccomendation is to find a hot doctor. Even if you have to salary a little to see a doctor, I would outstandingly reccomend doing so for atleast one visit and consulting the nurses via mobile at the office something like what is going on if they do change your pill.

Best wishes!

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