How to help yourself to the pill? pls need minister to!?

Ok I started taking Yasmin the first day of my spell, but the pack doesn't have the sugar pills so my examine is: do I have to count seven days and run the pill again the eighth day? or I own to take the pill the seventh hours of daylight I stopped it? I'm a bit confused,
Thnxs in finance

Hard nipples?

I checked the Yas website and your pack should include 28 pills, 21 active and after 7 inactive. The second 7 are your sugar or reminder pills. If you don't have 28 pills you should give the name your doctor.

Discharge/the patch?

Pills? is not a good odds, I advise you he use condom.

I know this is a grotesque question but does drinking lots of wet speed up your period? Thanks!?

I'm not indisputable how this particular birth control works, so I recommend that you call your pharmacist, if your doctor, just to be sure!

When do girls voice mature? I want to enter a talent show but if iI cant hit this glorious note, next i wont.?

Your doctor should have told you how to run it when they prescribed it for you. I would call your doctor or see if the pills come with directions. The kind I've been on enjoy directions folded up in the bundle with the pills.

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