LADIES: which is best?

for swimming for a 12 yr old girl, would u reccomend a menstrual cup or a tampon or a birth control pill or is in attendance something else u no about


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i would say a tampon in that are active tampons made for swimming and a cup might hurt

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If it's for university - just convey a 'not swimming today' note

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while swimming use a tampon...the pill isn't going to stop your will engender it a regular scheduled extent.

I would think that the cup item would just be a cruel mess.

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I suggest using a light flow tampon - unless your flow is really brawny. Your bleeding usually stops or lightens while you're in water so I reflect you'd be safe doing that.
A tampon is much better than using a cup, and is honestly painless if you've never used one.
The birth control pill will not give a hand in anyway next to this problem.


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i smetimes swim with my time of year.
you dont bleed in the river...

In desperate need of tampon aid.?

Tampon. The cup takes practice! I know that sounds funny, but I'm serious. I swear by it now, but it took me forever to acquire it correct. Also, I'm in my mid twenties and hold had 2 children. The cup be a little discomfited for me at first; I doubt it would be great for a 12 year old. There is a really cool point called Gynotex, AKA a soft tampon. Similar to a cup surrounded by that it's way up at your cervix, etc. But soft and permeable like a tampon. Unfortunately, it's not available surrounded by the US. Check out their website, maybe you can establish them online.

Girls i need some comfort?!?

im on brith contral but i recomed the shoot but you might wanna what happens my mom gain 300 pounds


a tampon. dont use birth control newly to not go swimming...anyways, they don't stop your term.

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Using a tampon will take assistance of all of your worries. It's the easiest and safest entity to use, especially when swimming!


tampon is the best because it is easy to apply and remove

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