Please helping w/ a burning sensation.?

Last night after have intercourse, it burnt really bleak when i urinated afterwords... I burns a little but not a adjectives not now but it be also really red and sore.. Could this be a UTI and if not afterwards what do you suspect. Please help

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it sounds like you don't hold enough lubrication, and the friction of intercourse would enjoy made your vagina very natural and sore. next time, extend the foreplay so that your body is equipped, try to relax, and also invest in some water base lubricant (oil based wear down condoms), which can be purchased from a chemist.

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more than likely you a moment ago didn't have ample natural lubercation and it is why burning and sore..

step buy some KY.


Well hard to answer-you entail to consider what the conditions were.-condom? be this your husband? did you use a lubricant?

To be honest it sounds like you be having dry sex. or this could be the beginning of a std.

If it continues or worsens-see your dr. quickly.

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hey girl, i've have this problem before too. it could be that you didn't own enough lubrication or you may hold a slight urinary tract infection. that's happened to me plenty of times. if its still burning, step to walgreens or something and get the over-the-counter UTI medication and if it doesnt get better than go to your doctor. i dont think nearby is such thing as "too much sex" :) but if you're have sex quite normally, that can lead to an UTI as very well. but you can cure it so you're okay. just preserve an eye out for it. go win some over-the-counter meds and it should clear right up :)

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More than likely you didn't own enough foreplay to carry your vaginal area well brought-up and lubricated and the penetration cause to much friction therefore cause the irratation and burning sensation on urination. It also could very capably be the starting of a UTI. Also, could be your close to your cycle and hormone changes own cause some dryness and irritation. I'd bet nouns of lubrication, but do call your GYN, and bring back it check out. Remember there are adjectives kinds of over the counter lubricates that can back you with that situation..

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I have the same problem. I agree near everyone else. Not enough lubrication.

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