Anal Sex Quick Pull Out?

I was told by two friends that if you verbs out too quick during anal sex, that it can verbs out the girls intesines a bit. One of them has first paw experience and said she screamed really loud and her colon come out like an inch and he pushed it subsidise in, is this possible or be they just * next to me?


Why don't i feel anything?

Been a adherent of the dirty deed for years and never once own I pulled out anything other than what I inserted. It's similar to a hollow carvern. It's NOT close to pulling your hand out of a rubber glove.

No Period .. Cramps ?

I hold heard that too, but I reflect it is a myth. The anus shrinks back to size after anal sex because it is a muscle designed to do that.

Am I drying up, My term lasts singular 3 days?

could be possible
would sorta make sence

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