Can weight loss add to swollen legs?
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GREETINGS< oh oh, I have to answer this one do I see something incorrect in another answer. First off, how long own your legs been swollen? Have you see the doctor? Were you diagnosed with lymphedema? largely people don't know the possession unless they have the diagnosis of it. And to correct misinformation, grill and humidity DO affect lymphedema, they make it alot worse. The barometer change even affect lymphedema in some patients. Heat make many things swell including joint. Since you mention weight loss, yes it can serve improve swollen legs, when you hold extra weight especially within the abdominal area, it presses on the lymph nodes located near, the inguinals which are in the crease of the leg/groin, and the iliac nodes near the belly button. Sitting compresses them too that's why when you sit, you should elevate them.
If you hold lymphedema you need to gain proper treatment which is called complete/complex decongestive psychotherapy, a medical massage of sorts, perform by a certificed licensed lymphedema or physical therapist. The soul HAS to be trained properly. If you need relief locating one I can give you some name. The treatment is hands on medical polish called instruction book lymph drainge, then you are skilled to do it yourself to maintain at home, after treatment you are wrapped, taught special exercises to promote lymph flow, skin assistance, and you return to see the therapist until she get you as small as possible or as close to normal as possible. Then you graduate to home exactness.
There are alot of website out there that are misinformative and alot of associates don't know what lymphedema is, I run into them daily.
I'm have VERYYY bad cramps. what can i do to aid them stop?
Many people do, including myself.Wear initiate shoes, like sandals, and other use foot power.
I've used diuretics before when it have been really bleak, they flush the fluid out of your system.
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Water retention problems in heat are adjectives. If you are overweight, then losing counterbalance can help. Mostly what help is drinking lots of water and adjectives back on the brackish. Water is actually it's own diuretic, and the be a foil for in the body is artificial by the amount of sodium and potassium in the cell. If you are not drinking enough, the body have a tendency to try to hold on to what it have on board. The more saline you have contained by the diet, the easier that is to do. And if you are primarily sitting and/or crossing the legs, you are also decreasing the blood flow in them, which pools gooey back into the cell as well. Lymphedema is not imagined the cause, as it would not be artificial by weather or temperature. You could also suffer from a venous insufficiency in the lower limb, which can be aggrivated enough to become a problem surrounded by hot weather. Only a doctor could properly evaluate the exact cause of your problem and set aside you a long term solution. Until later, drink more water, devour less saline, move about more normally, don't cross your legs, wear loose clothing, and prop the feet up when you can.- Why do my theighs hurt?
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