Hey girls I call for some aid!?

Ok on February 22nd I got my first period (I'm 12) and ever since consequently I havent gotten my period since!

Is that normal?

Because I havent have my period for like 3 months going on 4!

Im on my first pack of contraceptive pills, ive simply started the sugar pills, when will i bring my extent?

haha don't verbs about it i was worried something like the same thing cuz i satrted july 21st and i be also 12 but im 13 now but when i first started i had to dally like 5 months before mine started again it will cart awhile, so yea its kinda normal it's different for everyone if you need sustain try to ask your mom

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I dont think you should worry roughly it may girls may get their first period and not enjoy their next one up to a year later or more. It is commonplace to happen when you first start your period because your body is not accustomed to the changes yet so you may be irregular for a while. The simply thing i can tell you is be merciful and trust me enjoy it while you can because you'll soon wish it to be over once you obtain it.

Implanon set in?

A regular menstrual cycle means different things to different women. Age, for example can affect what's described as a normal model. When adolescents first get their periods, they can expect irregular cycles for a year or two as sex hormones stabilize. The menstrual cycle become erratic again before menopause. During this time, ovarian hormone levels start off to fluctuate. Woman again experience irregular cycles.

Yet between adolescence and menopause, women can expect to have regular monthly cycles. That is, as you would expect, barring pregnancy, illness, medications, stress, and other problems (such as cysts) that may alter the pattern.

It's also not uncommon to own a variation in one month.

Menstruation that occur between 22 and 40 days apart falls within the norm, says Robert Shenken, MD, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The first sunshine of the menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of vaginal bleeding.

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ok this could be normal but at like peas in a pod time not.
it all depends if ur not sexual actives then its adjectives good , you must be irregular like me.irregular scheme that u could get ur period today and not capture it again untill the next 3 month .it happend to me once just approaching u i had my period surrounded by january and i dint get it till april, remember ur starting ur just twelve so draw from use to it a little.but allways remember that if ur ever sexually active ur term wont come for a while never have sex before ur time of year and incase use condoms, just telling u effect in the nex 4 or 5 years u might need this advocate.
take care.

GIRLS: What would you do if you get pregnant right very soon?

When you first start your interval, it can happen. If it's really bothering you, you could see a doctor, but I don't think it's anything to verbs about.

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Paramedic with 5 daughters

8 days of bleeding after extent finished 8 days b4 second bleeding started?

yeah lot of ppl have irregular spell...speak to a gynaecologist she will provide the right medication to regularise periods..don try anything on your own

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That is completly normal. It can lift up to two years to be getting your period on a normal basis.

Do you ever aspiration ?

yes that is very everyday. ur body is just adjusting. dont be upset. It may be irregular for quite a while. ur fine.

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it could take up to 2 years until that time your period become normal. don't verbs.

Could I be pregnant?

if ur mom had and irregular period, they so can u.
but if u want, ego recemmend u go and see a doctor.

welcome to womanhood.

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