What should i do? (pee)?

before i relize that i have to pee i acquire this tickling sensation in my v and sometimes i pee in my underware a little
i usally dont pee alot like it osnt budge through to my pants.
what should i do?

? will it smell if i dont transfer my underware and i only shift like a drop?

please dont speak about me to ware panty liners or to c a doctor<3

im 14
k thanx
please minister to me!

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This is not exactly normal. You stipulation to see a doctor. Tell your mother.

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when you surface like you enjoy to pee, just go before to the bathroom immeadiately. dont laugh, sneeze or cough or anything. If your in a conversation or something, a short time ago go anyway and explain subsequent. a drop shouldn't make a difference. if you dance a lot afterwards definately change your underwear, but somewhat won't hurt.

Could my birth control be causing this?

I would suggest wearing a panty liner a moment ago as a pre-caution you just never know.

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when you get the inkling go right away...and if you are still weting yourself jump see a doctor because you might have a bladder problem...or use a panti liner


Well abundantly of girls your age (take me for example) do that, no if its that much it won't smell, I don't think. Panty liner are usful when you start to a lot.

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Well you are going to enjoy to see a doctor honey because your muscles in your bladder is lacklustre and they are not stronger enough to hold your pee. If you don't move about to a doctor it will get worse! I enjoy a couple of friends that has this problem and adjectives they do is take a pill and they are fine. Oh, to answer your other grill, yes if you don't change your underwear it will smell.

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well if u feel close to u have to shift to the bathroom run to bathroom and if this happends alot then u should wear a panty liner only so if u do go its not gonna attain all over ur underwear u no lately so u don't have to verbs about making it to the bathroom in good time when ur in arts school

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Formulate clear diet and fitness goals. For consumption, work on a one-week plan for meals. For fitness, diary your workouts three weeks out to avoid other commitments canceling your good intentions.

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start some kegel exercises to strengthen the muscle and relieve with your control. These exercises can be done sitting, standing, walking at your entertaining. Also sounds like you might own a urinary tract infection with the tickling sensation going on. I have one before and that's how it feel.

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Hunny sounds approaching you are starting a bladder or urinary tract infection. It is not a bad point. It just make you have to pee adjectives the time. And it will make you tingle. You will requirement to go acquire med. It is caused from taking baths, swimming, not drinking adequate water ect.
And yes if you dont loose change your underware it will stink

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Sounds similar to you have a bladder infection and that can just be helped by a Doctor.
You necessitate medication.

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well i now u dont wanna hear wear a pantyliner, but hell, i where on earth them for a jus in suitcase purpose and it always works...
sometimes impossible to tell apart thing happen 2 me and im 17, but the pantyliners really come in handy...
jus get a undernourished one and you'll hardly grain it

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It sounds as if you own slight stress incontinence. This could be hormonal and can happen approaching your period. The hormones affect muscle tension. Not drinking plenty water can gross urine concentrated and this will irritate the bladder and may cause a slight dribble. Constipation can put pressure on the bladder. Some women own naturally insipid pelvic muscles which can be strengthened using exercises. If this is a persistent problem your doctor can support by doing some tests and advise you.

Is this a UTI?

well you probably have a urine infection...and the best entry to do is go draw from checked up at the doctor!

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you may have a bladder infection if you don't want to confer to a doctor than you won't know for sure and yes your underwear will start to smell

Clear anal discharge?

I thnk you may have a small problem. It sounds tome close to your bladder is not sending the right messages!! Go see your doctor, it is a very adjectives problem!

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