My period KILL ME!! What to do?

Every month I get the worst period.. And I mean wooooooorst. They are so rough. I have be in hospital a few times because of it.

I am other sick. And can't stop being sick every 10 minutes or so.. All my stocmach acids come up. I can't shallow or drink a point. I get diarerra at impossible to tell apart time.
I have the worst agony. Mainly in my uterus..but I feel it adjectives over.
I get a confusion, my skin turns yellow..and I'm so much surrounded by pain and tired..that I can't even sit down never mind pace.
This all last 24 hours.
Then I get better..but I still discern very drained, after that for the subsequent few days. My periods are really heavey. They solely last two days but I abominate them, when they happen.

I go to the docter.. and I get some tablets that I should clutch just up to that time I start to menustrate.. they help a moment or two..but I still get pains.

It isn't enthusiasm threatnen or anything..but I still hate that I bring back it every month.

Tons of sweating, tons of pimple, extremely tired?!?!?

I have adjectives the same things as hurts soooo discouraging I can barely stand it, but I havent be to the hospital for it yet.
I grasp better after only resembling 2 hours or something though and then I don't quality anything wrong for the rest of my period
hopefully ur tablets will start working a little more and u won;t be within so much pain.

Is it true that a women's length stops when swimming or in the shower?

I think you should be in motion back to the doctor, or perchance see a specialist. No way can this be average or good for your feature of life.

Should i be worried something like a small white bump that jus appeard on my vagina?

take birth control or they have pills that can stop ur time all together

The Pill ?

For cramps: heat pad or hot hip bath can help alleviate the agony.
Diarrhea: drink lots of water and try to drink lots of bran and flax a few days before and during your time to help create bulkier stools.
Throwing up: taking small sips of ginger ale, taking tums.
For the hallucination you can apply a cool cloth to your forehead and neck, lug ibuprofen or any regular pain hired gun, and/or have a cool tub or shower.
Skin turning yellow? That sounds resembling jaundice and is not healthy, did you mention that to your doctor?

Has anyone tried/or is using Mirena for birth control?

this is usually due to a vitamin b1 and b2 deficiancy and one anemic. you should take a multi vitamin supliment (tablets) and iron tablets.

Does location of breast lump indicate cancer or not?

i suggest... you drink dull pain killer drugs... the undamaging ones! :)
again, consult a doctor, second oppinion is always good
also, try applying hot treatment to ur belly... it helps! and while the throbbing is still there,,, sleep! haha!

What cause breast pain?

get a heat pad, and place it on your lower belly, take hot baths. that will minister to aleviate the pain, however one article you mentioned worried me. you said your skin turns yellow. that isn't ordinary. perhaps you show you just turn really piqued? bring an iron supplement since you bleed heavily. I don't have that liberal of pain, but I do hurt the first light of day or two, and that sometimes hurts so bad I preference I were a boy, lol so I can't believe what you must feel. hope you perceive better.


so u giving us ur symptoms and cure prescribed by the doctor who saw .. am not sure what r u asking for ?!!

i would say stick to the tablets !!

Why do I enjoy a brown vaginal discharge?

Ask your doctor for a referal to a gynaecologist. It sounds as though you have any fibroids or endemetrosis (possibly both). Do you get blood contained by your water or from your rear legs passage when you hold a period? If so, its probably endemetrosis. Either path, you need an hystocopy (camera within the womb), so that you can be diagnosed properly and treated. Both conditions can make conception difficult. If your doctor doesn't want to refer you to a gynaecologist, you enjoy the right to ask for another doctor to examine you. Good luck!

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