Question for women just please -How can I make sure I smell accurate & clean adjectives day long or at least possible for 6 hours?

I have received comments give or take a few a foul odor and I do shower every day, especially right back I go out ANYWHERE, even if it's newly to go carry the mail, but I still attain comments, people making face and people coughing or rubbing their nose when they're around me. I know the odor is coming from me becuz I've asked a close friend about it and she confirmed she'd just this minute noticed a foul odor. She didn't vote anything tho, cuz she didn't want to hurt my feelings. I've already be to doctors & there is nil medically wrong that is cause the odor so I wanna know what specific brand of products should I use, what personal hygiene steps should I take to be capable of smell good adjectives day long? I currently shower next to Dial Antibacterial Soap (been using it for years), I dry off, after I sometimes sprinkle Shower to Shower on after my shower when I have time, but I skip it when I don't, subsequent I apply Arrid XX deodorant under my arms with the sole purpose & I get dressed. I spritz on Tribute perfume & that's it

Can anyone hold STD even though there be no sex?

Hi, I would use a non-scented sensitive skin soap such as Dove or Ivory. This does help beside odors. If the odor is coming from the pubic area, after Vagisil has plentiful products for women, including sprays, and vaginal powder. Many are against douching, but you may try douching once a month starting now. Also, a suitable option is to try Carefree fragrant panti liners, they can control odor within the pubic area. I hope this help.and good luck!!

Serious give somebody the third degree?

i would take perfume to university and then spray it on every hour within the bathroom before class starts

Has anyone ever hear of this?

it may be your soap you are usuing cause you to hold an allergic reation. you may want to try a different soap also they ahve perfurm made spefically for down there nouns. You may want to try that.

Do most guys know about vaginal farts (or quiefs)?

well it sounds to my resembling a yeast infection or an odor coming from inside. you need to drink lot of river and eat fit. The odor is realeased by your pores and you cant stop it. Dont use any heavy perfume because its going to smell worse.take a shower at smallest 2ice a day and use a afresh scent not floral and you will befine also ifthe odor is coming from down at hand then renovate pantiliners as much as you can

Abnormal Papsmear Outcome?

well use white or orange soap and yall own no more complants but if you do then use dove still but possibly some baby powder within your panties and some men degree deotrant (no offense) and im not trying to be propose

Ovary pain?

I answered your other press, but have you tried the dentist? Sounds kinda unexpected but I've met some super cool people who seem like they have some dental problems...

I havent had a regular time for about 4 years, why?

Miss Vida have a point and I hadn't even thought of that. Some people own a tooth that is decaying and it doesn't even hurt, so their breath smells impossible. I know that will make you consistency even more self-conscious, but... Ask your friend to take a "whiff" of your breath newly to mark that item sour your list.

And could it be the sweat on your skin? My husband declare he can tell when I've eat onions even the day after because he can still smell the odor from the pores surrounded by my body.

(Now that I think of it, I wonder if he is pulling my leg..)

Anyway, maybe it is something you eat that can come out of your skin pores? I don't know.

Have your friend consent to you know what days you have an odor and what days you don't. Maybe you can digit out what works when you start changing cleaning products. She can update you if it is a strong odor or not, too.

I know asking your friend and getting a bad answer will breed you feel impossible, but it is the only target way I know to track what is working and what isn't.

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