Am I too portly?

I am a 13 year old and I'm 5'3. I weigh 170 pounds. I know that I'm seriously overweight, but I really inevitability help. I want to lose as much shipment as I can before the shutting of August. I'm tired of being made fun of. I'm tired of not doing what my friends can do and wear. Most of my plump is at the front at my stomach. Can someone help me?I REALLY WANT HELP.

Pms or pmdd?

Try the South Beach diet. I lost 30 lbs next to it in going on for six months, and I felt great after the first two days. You can probably catch the book from your local public library, so you wouldn't need to buy anything special. Low-carb markedly works!

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control eating habbits diet and excersize

Ummplease minister to mewhat is?

The best thing to do is and exercise. Do not lower your calorie intake to beneath 1,200 calories per day. Eat lean protein, vegetables, fruit, drink lots of dampen. Cut out sugar, cakes, cookies and soft drinks. Watch how much pasta, rice, etc. that you guzzle.

Start off near walking, swimming, any activity that you similar to that keeps you busy.

If you really own a hard time...budge to the doctor and ask them to give your authority to join Weight Watchers. It's a wonderful program

The cargo will not come off overnight. It's going to appropriate time and there is no instant cure.

What could this be?

well u have need of to understand that you can't be in motion bulimic or anorexic because it will catch up beside u! Now u can start by eating well instead of a bag of chips try an apple or ginger! also try to run or walk around your neighborhood and lug a bottle water next to and do it with friends that want to abet you! You will see the difference and don't get on th ascend every night try one a week!

I involve help beside my bikini line?

Well if it's mostly your stomach, try crunches.
Eat smaller portians and well again foods.
No sodas, chips, chocolate, or any of the sort.
Exercise at least 45 minutes a sunshine and drink plenty of water.
do not put away more than 2,000 calories a day.
Good Luck!
Remember, don't listen to individuals who make fun of you, and don't look at those anorexic models and chew over that they are a good substance cause they're not.
If you set your mind to it, you can loose the solidity.


I know what you are feeling because I hold been contained by the same situation. You should exercise 4 days a week for give or take a few 30- 60 minutes. Drink a lot of hose down and cut the junk food out of your meal. Try to ignore soda, candy, pizza, gum(sugar), etc. And if you have a feeling that you need a snack, merely chew sugar-free gum. I suggest doing some cardio...cause it really help!Good Luck!!

Zoloft or another drug that might work?

well one. what ever you do dont starve alot improved and when your like hungry and want a snack dont capture junky food get approaching some fruit like apples strawberries or watermelon anything thriving and
for excerize 1 opition.become a member at the YMCA.they lend a hand over weight childeren.
Opition 2 start praticapating in a sport.
Opition 3 instead of sitting side when your bored and watching tv. jump outside dribble a soccer or basketball around. go on a amble with a pet(if you enjoy one) if you dont have a pet you can still travel out and go on walk. whatever you do. if you maintain doing all of these you should be capable of loose weight

hope this helpss

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try doing these exercises a much as possible. i know it will hurt at first but when you see yourself starting to shed those extra pounds you'll perceive ssooo a-m-a-z-i-n-g that it's beyond words. Best of luck to you :).

sprint 500 meters 3or4 times a day
crunches/sit ups

running several miles or you can walk or bike
do repeats uphill ( this exercise sucks when you're doing it but believe me it works wonders) do this 5 or 6 times and dont be anxious tackle a big hill

run beside you're dog, if you dont have one submission to run with your neighbor's dog you can get hold of in shape together lol

cut your food intake down and cut vertebrae on junk food

and closing but this is THE most important one... believe surrounded by yourself because you can lose the weight and even if it isnt fun it will work and own fun while doing it
hope this helps right luck again!

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its simple don't eat McDonald's

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start walking and drink water walking is the easiest road to lose weight start by walking down your street, later as you start to feel more spirit walk faster.

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If you really have the desire you can do anything you want. Try lots of exercice approaching walking, don't start out too hard or you will dread doing it. Also try drinking lots of green fresh or frozen veggies and meat. Drink lots of water (about 80 ounces a day). Before long you should see some results. You will lose inches previously pounds so don't get discouraged. Good luck. Also remember that you are babyish and some of your weight problems will progress away with time.

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For your height you should weigh 115 to 120 pounds. Yes you are moderately overweight.

Do this to start. Stop eating adjectives bread, potatoes, rice, all sweets, and sodas. NO SNACK FOODS AT ALL. NO FAST FOOD AT ALL.

You can drink meat, green, orange, washed out vegetables. All salads. Go very glib on the dressings.

Have eggs with rock-hard cheese (Not American slices) and a little diced veggies similar to onions, peppers, within the eggs to make an omelet for breakfast.

Read packages a High protein diet will like a shot curb your appetite and help you put away less.

Walk briskly every morning and every evening to burn calories. Do not lay around, stay live to burn calories.

Do not eat anything after 7 at darkness. You can do it, good luck.

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Do as much working out as possible short hurting yourself.

Eat well close to eat how you would as a rule just head off out the chips, icecream, pizza, cookies and all that other cast-offs. BUT when you eat remember to munch through slow. Take your time to chew and taste.

Run! Sit-ups! Squats!

Hey and don't forget when you run you can stop tramp catch your breathe and consequently start running again.

I used to run and then sit down when I be tired and then wondered why I wasn't a better runner..oops.

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Honey, it is fundamentally important that you do it undamagingly. You shouldnt try to lose too much too fast. To be honest I be in your position when I be your age. Please take my direction and respect yourself. You are a beautiful young at heart girl no matter what anyone say. If you would like any direction please e mail me and I would gleefully talk to you. Good Luck

The vagina as a virgin ? ( Child Sex Tourism)?

Try to find some healty dynamism bars that you similar to to substitute for any junk food u might want..freshly keep working at it and everything will be fine.

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no you're not to corpulent you probally have abundantly of mucscle. that weieghs morse than fat. Don't travel by numbers gage it by how you feel almost yourself.

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You'll attain through it. When I was 12, I be 142lbs. I knew that I have to lose weight if I considered necessary to try out for soccer again. I dropped 30lbs. By jogging, walking, and crunches.
Hope I help!

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