Do you think women should be the only one to decide on the abortion debate?

It is an interesting article.

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I dream up a man's right depends on the relationship. If you are in a serious relationship, later yes, he may have his read aloud. I don't know how much I personally would consider it, but he's entitled to an judgment. On the other hand, if you're relationship isn't serious, consequently hell no, he wouldn't be a part of the verdict. I would ultimately be the one dealing with the energy long consequences while he has the prospect to disappear, so it would be up to me. This is a good give somebody the third degree. As far as men deciding if abortion should be prohibited or not, I would have to say-so no they shouldn't be able. I lone say this because the single time I hear a man talk just about this topic, it's a politician saying he disagrees beside it and will try to ban it. I don't reckon politicians should have that much control over women's personal lives.

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Abortions are wrong, it takes 2 family to make a babe and therefore it should transport 2 people to trademark the decision

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No. Religion and ethical reason aside, what if the man wants the little one. Shouldn't the man have the right to bring to the fore the kid?

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No. Are they the individual one that was involved in getting pregnant? If so next by all channel they can make the choice but if they have a partner, then that partner have just as much responsibility over the birth of that kid as she does.

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No, men go and get hurt by it too. My mom and my dad did.

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i think abortion is terrifically wrong because it is murdering someone and i dont think it should be done unless below bad circumstances, approaching bad medical problems or they are have a baby as a result of rape.

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everyone should be capable of voice their opinion but we adjectives know neither side is going to give up on the debate

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I reflect it should be a national vote, Like a question on a presidential ballot.

Let the relatives of the US decide not a few 9th District Court Judges

My personal thought a woman should have the right to settle on or the bleeding heart liberals make arrangements to lift up the child ( out of their pockets, not taxpayer pockets)

There are way too frequent unwanted kids in homes

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How sexist and racist that writer to the article/link is!

Men are people, too, and several would have of your own accord taken on the responsibility of raising an unwanted child. I'm so drowsy of white male-bashing and male bashing in general over the concluding 30 years. I'm amazed at how well the mannish populous have so patiently allowed women to vent such odious attitudes toward them!

Abortion effects us ALL and ALL people of Both sexes of ALL race need to fully contribute in this heated debate. To deny one segment of society is self-centred, unrealistic, and imbalanced. I loathe people who despise groups of folks because they are merely different or differ from them.

Ladies, we still need men; adjectives them out of our lives when it comes to abortion is like giving birth to one and only females; it's just perverted.

032707 6:47

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Yes. Absolutely.

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Yes I do. NO ONE has the right to enlighten me what I can and can't do with MY body. It belongs to me and ONLY me.

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it depends, if i knew that the fater needed nothing to do next to the kid or would not be a good father consequently he has no influence. but if i know that he would care roughly the kid and want to have a quantity in his existence then he get a huge say within this subject. or if he was newly a good personage, i would want him to have a speak.

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