What causes breast backache?

I always bring back breast tenderness and soreness give or take a few a week before my interval. This month I started feeling that roughly 2 weeks before my time, and the past 2-3 days my breasts enjoy hurt VERY badly. The consistency sore all over, substantial, and painful! The worst stomach-ache is on the sides all the track up to the armpit which feels similar to a bad bruise when touched. They also hold a heat sensation and look a bit swollen/fuller. I thought for sure I must be pregnant, but I took an EPT test next to my first urine today and got a completely negative result. It is 2 days formerly my expected period. Do you chew over this pain is basically a fluke this month, or do you think nearby's still a chance I'm pregnant and tested too precipitate? What else could cause this character of pain and sensations? Its NEVER be like this previously, I feel close to I want to cut them off! Haha. Thanks.

I get my depo shot 2 weeks ago and ever since, I have have breakthru bleeding. Is that normal? Read more please

I will be without blemish honest with you. It could be one of two things.
Your interval could be kicking you super hard this month...and trust me I enjoy been here!
OR...the pregnancy test one-time that you took...it can happen if they sit on the store shelf...and you are pregnant.
I would hill on either one, but your backache sounds more like what I have early contained by my pregnancy.
The only real way to know is to enjoy a blood test done at your doctor bureau. They are fool proof!

I wish you blessings and luck

Please minister to,ill condition and doctors?

tell your boyfriend to stop the grabbing.

Is it my spell and if so.?

Go see a doctor

Why does it still burn after I use cream for a yeast infection?

it's probably just due to your length coming. It doesn't sound similar to you're on birth control but some birth controls do cause breast discomfort and cause them to be extreamly sore.

Can you hold your periods surrounded by a month more then once?

PMS. I capture the same piece. Sometimes it hurts to take past its sell-by date my bra (I wear sports bras). I just confer on that bad boy on and be in motion to bed. It usually ends mid period or when my interval starts. Your fine. If you feel any lumps or bumps GO TO THE DOCTOR ASAP

My paw n legs sweats a lot is it any quality of deasease?

watch your caffeine, and salt intake, take med . for cramps and bloating

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