Does location of breast lump indicate cancer or not?


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no it don't but there is a strong possible that it could that why you call for too have it check very soon it could be a sist or boil or fibours tissue but have it check presently.ok

Major Help!!?

No...that has nil to do with it. You requirement to go to the Dr.

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The singular certain course to learn whether a breast lump or abnormality is cancerous is by have a biopsy.

Not all lumps contained by the breast are cancerous. In fact, four-fifths of adjectives breast lumps are not cancer. Some common benign breast change include:

+ Fibrocystic disease: Generalized breast lumpiness that may become more obvious as a woman approaches nouns and the milk-producing glandular tissue gives method to soft, fatty tissue.
+ Cyclic breast changes: Associated near changes during the menstrual cycle due to extra fluid collecting in the breast cycle. Lumps usually be in motion away by the end of the menstrual term.
+ Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that regularly enlarge and become tender of late before the menstrual spell. This is diagnosed with ultrasound and is usually treated by watch or by fine needle aspiration.
+ Fibroadenomas: Solid, round tumors made up of tissue. They get the impression rubbery and can be moved around easily. Although they sometimes can be diagnosed beside fine needle aspiration, most surgeons believe that it is a flawless idea to remove fibroadenomas to breed sure they are benign.
+ Fat Necrosis: Round, firm lumps formed by damaged and disintegrating fatty tissues, typically occurring in obese women beside very big breasts.
+ Sclerosing adenosis: Excessive growth of tissues in the breast's lobules, frequently causing breast misery. Without a biopsy, adenosis can be difficult to distinguish from cancer.

But the location is not a sign weather it's malignant or not.

Hav regular sex but din come menses fro 2 months, checked with pregnency apparatus found out negative, see is wrong?

Why would it?

Most lumps are benign. Let your doctors do their jobs.

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