Can a youthful guy like someone who's flabby?


My wife wants to know what exercises are the best to tighten up her butt?


Why am I constantly constipated?

Of course, if he's not shallow and is really into the girl for who she is and not what she looks similar to...there are guys close to this...but very in danger of extinction to find.

What is a positive factor?

honey i ask myself the same interview everyday so i dont think theres any answer to that

I be on ortho-tri cyclen lo, im switching to yaz. tommorrow is my sunday start .?

yeah, sometimes guys like chubby ones.

How does it pinch for the birth control shot to become effective?

No it might be contagious,do you other judge citizens by their weight ? Not especially nice.

Question about period?

sure he can as long as he is not one of those shallow guys who go for pretty scrubby girls. You have to find someone who like you for you. There are plenty of nice guys out there who won't sort out you by just your looks and counterbalance. Good luck

Women please, a question?

Of Course. Unless the guy is so shallow that he solely wants a girl for arm candy.if that's the crust, what girl would want him?
A happy heart, a height head and a nice smile are much more big than a roll here or a pudge there.
Be yourself and be proud of who and what you are. Don't try and evolution yourself for a guy. If you do, you'll both be unhappy.

What is the best approach to clean out the toxins in your system? (i don't have it in mind drugs)?

it is all within their personal preference.

How long do i necessitate to wait up to that time not using a backup?

Yes of course they can

Has anyone get their period while pregnant?

You know you inevitability to be careful beside those teen age boys.
I remember back within the days when boy hormones ruled everything they saw.
they can be in love with any girl, any and adjectives girl teaches. even the big ones , and ugly ones. Hormones took no prisoners.
Most teen age boy be the same, unless they be lucky jokes I be determined jocks. So my advice. Don't pinch them too seriously, you may have to waite till they are 25-30 for that. I know . i be one of them.

Will you take lybel?

why not?

thats the problem within the world. people income attention to the outside & miss the beauty of the inside.

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