What is a positive factor?

what is a positive and negitive factor.


Nauses everyday?

depends what factor you are testing for. The most adjectives i can think of is rheumatoid factor. It is a audition which can help to indicate rheumatoid arthritis if positive. However it is not a conclusive question paper, so positive doesnt mean you emphatically have it and refusal doesnt mean you clearly dont have it!

Its basically one of several tests that would be conducted at like peas in a pod time to establish a diagnosis.

Hey come look and see?

take a factor, if its good, its positive, if its bleak then its denial.

Cylaris. Does this diet pill really have affect?

positive is apposite :D negative is doomed to failure :-(

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25% of the population are Rhesus distrustful most people (like myself) don't find out until they are pregnant. If you enjoy a blood transfusion and are negative you must enjoy negative blood because unenthusiastic blood rejects positive but not the other way round - if you own a transfusion there is no time to establish neg or pos you will other be given negative blood. The solely other time you need to know is when pregnant (although first pregnancies wont engender a difference) if you have a babe-in-arms with positive blood and you are refusal some blood can get into your system during the birth and consequently your negative blood forms antibodies to reject any more positive blood the hospital will tender an injection of anti-d immuglob shortly after birth to prevent your blood building up anti-bodies.

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