My wife desires to know what exercises are the best to tighten up her butt?

She doesn't have a yahoo vindication. She's a mother of one.


Severe pain!?


View Full-SizeSquats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, butt and thighs. There are plentiful different types of squats, including the Chair Squat pictured here. Stand with foot hip-width apart and squat, keeping back straight, abs within and knees behind your toes. Let your butt delicately touch chair and squeeze butt to stand up. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps and affix weights for more intensity. This gallery of squat images shows a huge variety of squats you can join to your current routine.
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2. Lunges
Lunges are a challenging exercise because they work so various muscles at the same time. On the front leg, you'll work the glutes and hamstring and, on the back leg, you'll work the quads and calves. What's nice more or less lunges is that there are a collection to choose from such as:
Side to Side Lunges
Reverse lunges
Front lunges
Walking lunges
Wheel lunges (front, side, reverse)
You can also elevate the back foot on a step or platform to really face both legs. This is a great move for the glutes and thighs, but please avoid this move if it aggravates any knees problems.

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3. Step Ups
For step ups, you simply place one foot on a step or platform and push through the heel onto the step. This is an excellent exercise for the glutes, providing you use a step that's high enough...simply make sure your knees is bent to 90 degrees or smaller number to keep it sheltered.
The other key to making this move work is to concentrate adjectives your weight on the stepping leg. In other words, lower down meekly, barely touching the toes of the other leg to the ground. You'll really touch this when you take it slow and concentrate on the working leg.

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4. Hip Extensions
While I'm fond of more compound moves (like the squats, lunges and step ups tabled above) since they work more muscle groups, the hip extension is an exercise that targets the largest muscle contained by the body...the gluteus maximus.
For this move, you can hold a dumbbell behind the knees or use ankle weights for added intensity. Another interesting variation is to deceit with your hips and torso supported by a globe, hands on the floor, and bend the knees. Then squeeze the glutes to convey the feet straight up to the ceiling.

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5. One-Legged Deadlifts
Deadlifts are great for your hamstring, butt and lower back, but form is critical and you should skip this exercise if you hold any back problems.
To do this move, lug the left leg put a bet on just a bit, weakly resting on the toe. With the weights in front of the thighs, tip from the hips and lower the weights as low as your flexibility allows. Keep your pay for flat or with a automatic arch and make sure you preserve the abs contracted to protect the back. Squeeze the glutes of the working leg to lift up back up. Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps.

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6. Hiking
Now the exercises programmed above aren't the only strength moves for the glutes, but we normally forget that there are cardio deeds that will also engage the backside.
Hiking is one of those happenings and it also burns tons of calories because you're typically going up steep mountains and maybe even getting into trim air, which requires lots of enthusiasm. Also, walking up an incline automatically gets your glutes more involved and, if you're wearing a backpack, you're really getting a workout. Plus, you get to see character at its best. A 140-lb person burns roughly 390 calories in almost an hour!

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7. Biking
Riding a bike is great for your heart and it also targets almost every muscle surrounded by your hips, thighs and butt. On a stationary bike, alternate 3 minutes at 70-80 RPM with 2 minutes at 100-110 RPM for a calorie-blasting 30 minute workout. You can also try Spinning at the gym or riding outside. Gear up to really work your glutes! A 140-lb creature burns 335 calories in 45 minutes.
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8. Running
Running, close to walking is accessible, easy to revise, reduces stress, help in consignment loss, and it makes you have a feeling good. Plus, it really works your butt, especially when you add on a few hills to your regular running route. Sprints are another remedy for folks wanting to both burn more calories and tighten up the old tush. A 140-lb party burns 475 calories during a 45 minute jog.
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9. Kickboxing
Kickboxing be a hot item back contained by the day, but it's still a great workout. Controlled kick work your hips, thighs and butt while complex combinations that include punches will target your abs to make them stronger. A 140-lb woman will burn up to 500 calories near 45 minutes of kickboxing.
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10. Walking
Walking is easy: you can do it anywhere, anytime beside no special equipment. There's no learning curve and it's something you can incorporate adjectives day long. If you wander up hills, you can really target your glutes and, if you pick up the intensity, you'll burn some of that extra flab bad your buns! A 140-lb person burns give or take a few 300 calories an hour during a brisk walk.

I enjoy a ? for a females and doctors is there anyone else besides me thats get upset when?

eat chilli for a week or two.she will have to keep hold of her butt clenched for fear of shatting herself ....this will tighten it up in no time

Weight Help!!?

i havent tried it nonetheless but i read dat if u take those things that are made of rubber n look close to a figure 8 that ur supposed to use on ur chest and u put them on ur ankles and meander around da house sideways it will make u hold a great , i read it from dat actress.. something Beil or Biel.. Jessica i think yea Jesscia/Jenniffer Beil i attain Jessica and Jeniffer mixed up, lol Good luck n tell me how it go

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