My spell is being really weird- is in attendance something wrong?

my period have been really unexpected lately and i dont know if its normal or not- i use tampons and my period are a kind of gross greyish brown color and smells really kinda freaked out- im 15 and this hasnt happened beforehand. is it normal or is in attendance something wrong with me!


What is wrong?

It sounds like you may own a tampon already in that have been nearby awhile. Those are usually the symptoms. You may have forgotten that you have put one in days ago, or even from the later day of your end period. Just to be sure, you may want to "reach" as far contained by as you can and make sure.

Good luck Sweetie!

Why am i sooo tired?

sometimes they are basically like that. your body hasnt in step yet.

Women who hold their tubes tied.?

go ask ur mother

Constantly tired?

thats great to share with everyone on Yahoo :)

Is in attendance anything that can slow down you period or stop it?

You enjoy some type of infection and need to see your GYN ASAP! There is somehting seriuosly wrong if you enjoy grey and brown discharge with a smell. Normally the color is sposed to be a hue of red and near is not sposed to be a foul smell. If you can't see a GYN then you entail to go to the ER awfully soon!

Why am I so nauseous adjectives the time?

I dont know if you have ever have sex but if you had youcan seize a test or i denote its old blood which if you havent have your period a long time next it will do this its blood that bulids up and then make it way out so you dont obtain sick you will do this from time to time if you are having kids alot more but human being young it will probally transpire when your period is ireegualr it is okay freshly get malodorous pantie liners or you might want to start duche after length which is not pad it is okay and more showers i have an odor because it is old and have been builiding up

Vaginal Discharge?

there's nothingg next to youuh. Yerr body is having functioning problems, resourcefully atleast yerr menstruation cycle. See a doctor/gynecologist asap. There is a possiblity it is Toxic Shock Syndrome (aka: TSS)

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