Umm this is awkward but i want a womans relieve close to pronto plz.?
Answers: yes it's normal when i be younger i had that condition. they could both start sticking out. mine did. i'm sorry you have that problem and if it's crushing now just skulk until you get older..
undesirably yes it is normal for some girls to have inverted nipples and it is adjectives among those that have inverted nipples to change differently. some convert most don't. sometimes surgery plays a role in correcting the matter. I would suggest kindly massaging or pull on your nipples. in attendance are some web sites that talk something like it I will post what I find. most importantly don't stress over it your still young and your body is still growing. you'll be fine. Here is a good answer:
Inverted nipples are a conventional variation of breast development surrounded by about 2 percent of women. Sometimes the nipples are just to some extent inverted and they will project with stimulation (rubbing) or pressure. Is this the case beside you? If so, you probably don’t need to do anything. Sometimes even though the nipples may be deeply inverted they will spontaneously evert (poke out) once puberty is completed, or after childbirth and breastfeeding.
Your breasts manage their final size about four years after your menstrual periods start. So if yours are still growing, nearby is a chance the nipples will eventually evert. Otherwise, it would take surgery to adjust them if they remain permanently inverted. There is no medical reason to be concerned in the region of inverted nipples unless they interfere with your desire to breastfeed in the adjectives.
Since we don’t know your age or stage of puberty, we suggest you see your doctor for an examination and discuss your concerns..
hunny its not awkward...its normal :) Some women hold inverted nipples, some women have huges ones, little ones, different shaped ones, dark ones, oil lamp ones, some even have three nipples LOL
dont worry and be comfortable next to your body :).
yes that is normal. it happen all the time to everyone.. don't worry around it. nipples invert because they need to be more grip-able for a baby's mouth to suck on to get the breast milk. that's unsophisticatedly it. i dated this girl and she had her nipples pushed in, at first i found it unusual, but them i got used to it and would suck on those huge **** for hours. .
it is normal!! If it bothers you, wear a glutinous training bra. They should even out over the next few years, but if not, nearby are products available. This is completely normal:.
it should work itself out as you get elder. No worries hon. just wear bras or thick shirts for presently. get a smaller bra.