Constantly tired?

Hi everyone

I was wondering if you could aid! Since Monday I've been thought constantly tired and run down, I'm getting enough sleep, and I dont presume I'm getting a cold or anything. I was wondering if this could be anything to do beside the fact my Period is due this Sunday (comming up) and the certainty I missed my last time (I'm on the pill and ran two packet together) because I was on holiday the week it be supposed to come.

Any ideas? and any suggestions on how to overcome this? (as i work a 9-5:30 profession and this is my third day of individual tired on the job!)

Thanks surrounded by advance :)

I'm pretty sure I hold a sexual dysfunction?

Period due... can cause so plentiful upsets in your body. Hopefully it will elapse and you will feel better subsequent week. Hang on in in that!

Why does This happen?

let mother personality run its course

Is there an shutting down in sigh? have need of an opinion?

You may close to to see a doctor and eliminate the physical cause of fatigue.

Are you under glorious stress? Stress is a factor that can cause tiredness.

You can read up on chronic fatigue syndrome on the internet. It may not apply to you.

How going on for having some moderate exercise?

Have a right diet.Eliminate sugar, coffee and tea from your diet. Eat healthily. Drink lots of water.

I can't abet you on periods. Women experience different symptoms beside the menstrual period. Some do experience fatigue.

do see a doctor.

Depo Provera quiz?

some times the reason nation feel really tired greatly is simply diet.If you eat right later that should not be a problem.

How does a women know if whe has a yeast infection?

Well I am a guy so I am not sure. But as a rapid guess I am wonderin if you are tired from just have a lot of sex. I know profoundly of girls like to hold a lot of sex on holidays wreak they are away from home so they won't get a impossible name so perchance u just tired from the busy night. Than again you could have chronic fatigue syndrome. LMAO Good luck.

How can doctors know for sure when a girl isnt a virgin anymore?

maybe u are slightly anaemic

Is Yoha decisive in reducing counterweight?

fatigue is on this list

Miriam wrote her story in 1997 and revised it within 2002.

Stress --> Hormone Imbalance --> "Health Issue"

You may wish to do the on vein hormone tests at or

If as I suspect they recommend you land hormones please have a saliva trial done see or A saliva test will check out active hormones something that blood test do not.

If a hormone is suggested by the saliva test please pocket the dose suggested. Size 10 shoes are not twice as good if you enjoy size 5 feet.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) uses saliva test.

A transcript of a John Lee talk

I hold transcribed John Lee's December 2002 & &June 2003 talks

Any of these talks explain why for active hormone level a blood test is worthless. Blood test find hormones, but they are the ones on their way out of the body. They are not the stirring hormones.

Search the web for "organic progesterone fertility" and you will find many pages


these are to some extent extreme forms of tiredness compared to yours I hope.

However I would rely on a saliva test to confirm the requirement for progesterone or any other hormones.

There is a schedule of doctors at who are aware of the benefits of natural progesterone they may be more useful than your GP. Maybe you are about to coach your GP before using the hormones.

In countries bar the UK there are doctors educated about untaught progesterone and other hormones

Natural progesterone means raw to humans i.e. identical to that produced by the human body.

For a moral explanation of how vital crude progesterone is to humans see
and other pages on this site

Wild yam is that Wild Yam the body will not convert it to progesterone. Also do not appropriate fake/synthetic progesterone/progestins manufactured by the drug companies they will be of NO benefit.

After having done a saliva oral exam any progesterone you buy must be natural progesterone USP. USP manner United States Pharmacopoeia.

If you skip to the end of in that is a good summary -- 22 Susan Aschoff - St Petersburg Times Summary

When your hormone harmonize is restored you''ll be OK

Are guys still virgins if they masturbate how about girls?

im close to this but i have 2 kids to get up up to and am constantly running around them.

Im usually very busy and no matter how hasty the kids wake- im ready for the light of day.

but as you i feel run downa nd exceedingly tired, maybe its the wether, or because you are bored and sometimes when capture home just slob aroud (v. normal)

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