Vaginal Discharge?

I'm late on my spell. I used the bathroom and had a touch bit of thick, brownish discharge. Does this parsimonious I might be pregnant or can it be my period coming?

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sounds approaching your period...some woman enjoy pink discharge, some have brownish discharge...

I entail help!?

Could be your time coming. Why not take a home pregnancy examination just to be on the undamaging side?

Some seriouse question!?

period coming

vaginal discharge have nothing to do beside pregnancy

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period coming

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Not sure, you could be pregnant or not, your interrogate is not detailed. But it is possible that your period is just about to come, unless if your not sure and you feel any symptoms of pregnancy resembling sleepines, nausea etc. then you might be pregnant. if you're not sure, take a pregancy test to see.

I'm serious why do I preserve laughing?

I know someone who has be on the pill for several years now and scarcely menstruates anymore--she says that once a month adjectives she gets it a bit of the brown discharge, the same discharge as one get when nearing the end of your length, and that's it. But it is in certainty her period.

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