How regularly do girls masturbate?

seriously, Do they do it as much as guys? im sure guys do it at least every other time lol. masturbating without a toy. serious give somebody the third degree, I need statistics for math class. thanks

Why do I other feel so bloated?

I do it at most minuscule 3 times a day AT LEAST :) I'm not your average statistic I dont mull over

If after you have sex it burns when you pee is something wrong?

once per time or every couple of days

Is it normal for a girl NOT to know how to have multiple orgasms?

u r callous!!maby u should ask ur girl friend!!

When will i start my period?

3 to 4 times a week - whenever I enjoy time

What is the meaning of redhead? that front to some girls when i searched for ?

My later 3 girlfriends loved to masturbate, mainly until that time they met me or during phone sex.
I think they do, they simply arent as open as guys roughly it.

Whats one good method to stop cramps and growing pains?

Depends how old and possibly on what time of the month, but I would guess based on my own experience that on average, women who enjoy no hangups in the order of it do it at least as repeatedly as guys do. (I don't use a toy, but I know they're popular, so saying 'no toy' seem kind of weirdly undue .. I mean, would you ask how regularly guys masturbate without porn? I picture some women almost always use a toy, simply like some guys other use porn.)

Fun math class eh?

I had an iui it is an insamination and i be wanting to ask?

You need to knoe for class. Yeah right!

Is It alright to close to getting your period?

im sure adjectives girls are different, so, ill answer for myself. when i be younger (13 or 14) i realized a fabulous article would happen if i rubbed my "triangle" firm enough. so, i couldnt back but experience the pleasure daily. its a totally fit thing. and zilch to be ashamed of. when i was 16 i have my first experience with a boy, so masturbating become less popular. very soon that im an adult, a married mother, its intricate to find time... but, sometimes late at hours of darkness, or during a nice long bath... i please myself.

Long possession birth control use?

once a day... everyother hours of daylight.. sometimes my bf helps me out... depends..

Has anyone ever used Lipo 6??

my gf loves to masturbate she masturbates wile shes conversation to me on the fone computer or at my house

Do fancy her with big, medium or yiny not matured nipples? & how do u treat them?

Any time I'm not having sex.

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