Im so * scared...sustain PLZPLZ?

i had sex next to this girl last dark...was too drunk to chew over of a protection and BEFORE it was done, i pulled it out but im upset of know there comes some "pre-sperm" earlier the real orgasm and is certainly colorless, could she get pregnant by that?PLZ HELP

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Yes, sweetie, she can get pregnant basically from pre-. One thing you can do is ask her where on earth she is/was in her cycle. There are persuaded times of the month when it is the prime time to get pregnant, and a small skylight when a woman can't get pregnant. If you are really that frightened, ask her (ASAP) if she would be inclined to get an emergency RX for the morning after pill. I'm pretty sure here is a 72 hour window. Offer to hold her to the doctor's office, planned motherliness, wherever she can attain the rx in your state. Offer to comfort pay, save cover all expenses. She may be touchy, but deep down inside, I'm sure she is as afraid as you are.

Most importantly, LEARN from your mistake. And remember, it isn't adjectives your fault. It take two..she could have taken her own precautions or help you put a condom on your drunk ! : ) Oh, and get tested. By referring to her as "this girl", I don't bring back the feeling that you know her too powerfully. Make sure you are clean, darlin.

Best of luck.

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answer is yes she could find pregnant by that been surrounded by that situation not fun ... the only item worse is the wait to see what happen best of luck to you

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Yes, precum have semen in it. Yes, it is entirely possible that she can go and get pregnant off of precum. Tell her to dance to a Planned Parenthood and get a prescription for the Plan B/Morning After pill. That should solve the problem.

FYI: The pullout method is more or less as safe of sex as locking the door beforehand. Completely useless and irrelevant, even so makes you grain better during.

Menstrual cramps. CRIPPLING!?

I'm sorry, but she could get pregnant. "Pre-sperm" can still contain sperm cell. Also watch out for STDs, you can fence in or pass those on regardless of if you withdraw or not.

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I'm afraid the answer is yes,you don't involve to ejaculate
for her to become pregnant,the fact that you entered
can impregnate.Ask girl to own pregnancy test.

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Yes, but it's unlikely.

For a woman to return with pregnant, she needs to be around the time of ovulation, surrounded by just the right condition, and her egg requests to be fertilized.

Precum does have sperm within it. The chance is at hand. But try your best to relax. You're probably ok.

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yes, pre-sperm can gain a girl pregnant. but, if you go to approaching, planned parenthood, or something, you can achieve an emerggency contraceptive pill (or the morning-after pill). it clears out everything. but, you would have to hurry up because its one and only effective 5 days after you have sex.

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yes, she can take pregnant. tell her to grasp the morning after pill, next time wear protection.

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Yes! Hurry and relate her she needs to move about and buy the morning after pill which is affective for over 72 hours after sex or something. Goodluck.

Is it pee..?

yeah she could.

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