I hold a hard itchy lump on my nipple!?
Does anyone own any idea what this could be?
My lower put a bet on keeps hurting?
Sounds resembling it might be a cyst...not all hold puss in them. I acquire them under my arm sometimes and it's really scratchy until they go away. You still might want to bring it checked out by the doctor. Good luck!
r u in denial of wat dat maybe?
I would distinctly recommend you go see your doctor. Hopefully it's zilch serious. Good luck.
What will be the peak elevation for a 13 year old 5'2" feminine?
It could be an ingrown hair. Go to the doctor and obtain him to take a look at it.How long does it usually later for?
It could be breast cancer, see a doctor asap.Cana girls cherry be popped by a finger?
It may be nothing more than an infected milk duct. They can be bumpy. It may be something more, though, so go see your doctor. He/She can afford you an antibiotic for the infection.How young do you expect I can get a hysterectomy?
It could be zilch but you need to see your doctor. Some woman own cyst in the breast and the are uncomfortable. My mother has them and the enjoy removed 4 on one side.Don't wait around it is better to step and let them check it out for you.
I will read aloud a pray for you.
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