First time protected sex, Late time, distrustful pregnancy try-out, what should I do?

I had protected (guy wore a condom) sex twice for the first time a few days after my last time and I anxiously waited for the end of the month to come and immediately that it has my period hasn't come. It be supposed to come 7 days ago today and two days ago I home tested and got a negative result. I'm going to check again on the 10th day but is there any explanation for the oddball, it may be stress because I was really really stressed about it to the point where on earth all I would do is sleep and not eat. Around the time my spell was supposed to come he fingered me (a little rough but really good) and there be a tiny tiny amount of blood could that be from him or was that my period? Anything help I would just like to know if anyone have a similar experience can I be expecting it or will it just come next week or god forbid am i pregnant?

Answers:    If the condom didn't break, you're most probable not pregnant, but you COULD be. It's still a little early to recount if you're only a week late. Take another tryout if you still haven't gotten your period in a week or two. By that point, you may want to see a doctor. The stress could grounds you to be late, that's very adjectives. Next time, don't soley rely on condoms. .
Sometimes a period does get messed up within time. Wait a couple of more weeks and maybe your period will arrive. The stress could be messing it up royally. Well anything is possible, but I doubt if you are pregnant. If you are going to become sexually involved get on the pill.
If you took the test correctly (and after your time was due) then it's significantly unlikely that you're pregnant, especially since he successfully used a condom.

Your period can be delayed for a number of reason, stress being key among them. It beyond doubt wreaks havoc on your hormones and body and can throw your cycle way out of whack. And since you've been worrying around this since the start of the month that's a very likely culprit. Your vigour could also be contributing to it, if your sleep cycle has changed or you were sick lately.

If you're really concerned my best advice is to go see a doctor (planned motherhood is cheap) and get a blood test. In adjectives likelihood if you keep getting distrustful OTC results then you're fine. If you're worried about this contained by the future I'd advice you to look into HBC.

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