Probably my finishing query on Women's Health YA for some time; Everyone & anyone please answer?

Background: 19, a virgin, my mum had a hysterotomy due to cyst on her ovary, no visit to an gyno, ever.

I enjoy been experiencing quite profusely of discomfort for some time now. After masturbation I get cramps and interval pains, I feel sick/like vomitting, and a bit fatigued, it lasts vary from 1-2 hours to a day or so. & experience leg cramps.
I also felt some lumps inside my vagina a few weeks ago, they be quite lumpy and big, and hurt when touched, and sometimes it burns when I urinate, there's probaby around 5 of them around the vaginal walls.
Finally, I get a white/gloopy discharge surrounded by my underwear (even when I'm not on period/or aroused), it feels like I peed myself, and it smells moderately foul. It causes great discomfort and embarssment!

Any answers or solution will be appreciated and considered!

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if it has a foul oder it could be some category of infection. for the lumps i would go see a obgyn. tell them everything that have been going on.

Ppl beside cellulite? recount me what u deduce plz?

What you are experiencing is not normal. Although you will bring many answers from people on here wish to help what you do need to do is receive an appointment with a gynecologist. You are a few years over due for your first visit.

Given your house history it is important that you go bring back checked out as soon as possible.

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Ok if your discharge smells then it's probably some kind of yeast infection - see your doctor and they'll endow with you something for it. If it burns when you pee is could be cyctitis - try taking a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of hose down. The other things sound quite serious, I'd see your doctor.

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My best answer for you would be to be in motion see a gyno now. You should have be seeing him since you were 16, even if you are a virgin. Gyno's aren't only for woman who enjoy sex, they also make sure you are healthy and hold no problems (Like cysts) go to the doctor.

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Please see a gynecologist ASAP. Honestly (and professional speaking), you CANNOT rely on answers from the internet to make a diagnosis. Take these symptoms (signals) that your body is sending you as a preventive to take action very soon. You only get one body, rob good care of it! Good luck!

Really freaking out...Help?

I don't know really what to vote, i can't think of explanation of your symptoms but definately you need to see a gynecologist, it's the best entry to do, and he/she would be the best person to answer you..

good luck,

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A bit too much information for my taste. Go see a gynocologist for a thorough exam and have all your private question answered by a professional.

Help lend a hand abet!?

Only a doctor can correctly diagnose your problem. Don't rely on people here. Make an appointment with your doctor and own it taken care of properly. It could be something serious.

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I can't understand why you haven't already see a Dr. We are carriers of our mother genetics...see someone and seize the real answers you need, we're not professionals here, purely people who care almost one another.

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You need to see a doctor to find out what is wrong and what the best course of treatment is.


I'm not sure, but I would get myself to a dr ASAP.

I'm upset I haven't have my term for this month or final month, but my bf and i enjoy tried to enjoy sex a few

you should probably see a doctor :)

Bit of a dodgy ask here?

hm i can't read aloud anything about this
i think u should see a doctor
don't play beside ur health
there might be a serious problem

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Congrats on individual a virgin...That's great. But you need to go to the doctor, you never know you could enjoy a bladder infection, a vaginal infection, kidney infection you never know.You could have cyst, go own it checked out, I know you are probably scared to go to the gyn for the first time. But everyone is. You should not own pain down there. It wishes checked out. Talk to your mom she should be able to be there for your moral support and recommend you. Maybe you can go to her gyn. We all necessitate a good gyn you are comfortable with. Don't be ashamed to jump, it is all natural article to do. Heck I have been seeing indistinguishable doctor for years and now my daughter is using my gyn, and he delivered her infant as well. Go darling formerly it gets worse. Best of luck. our prayers are with you.

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Sometimes, you'll find a touch more discharge from when you ovulate to your menses. This should not itch or smell.

White, gloopy, and odorus discharge can signal an yeast infection which is quite common. An if you agree to it go, and can cause greatly of irraition "down there" that can make it sting when you pee or irraitate the vagina. Sometimes, yeast infections just occur, or can happen after taken antibiotics.

Especially if you are an virgin, maybe the bumps you quality are completely normal, and they may be hurting because they are irritated from infecton. I don't know if having a cyst on your mother's ovary have to due with lumps you may have.

If you are a virgin and touch that it is not an STD, you may try an over the counter product for yeast infection. Just know, sometimes when you cure the yeast, it off sets the balance and sometimes, not most habitually, you can get a bacterial infecton which tends to be bit of a thinner discharge and for this, you may necessitate to see a doctor. And if you do think you have a urinary infection, a doctor is needed for this as capably. I do know some women clam that drinking cranberry juice helps them out next to this. If you do have an untreated urinary tract infection which can happen when you touch yourself down within, sometimes called HONEYMOON CYSTIS, can lead to kidney/bladder infections which can produce you sick.

Leg cramps, maybe dehydration which can lead to idea fatigued and sick like vomiting.

This is just personal suggestions and I am not a doctor. Being that you are youthful, until have the experince of what is normal or not, what a yeast and a bacterial infection is as a rule recommened seeing a doctor before treating yourself.
The lumps, I just assume may be typical if you are a virgin. But this may not be normal, irratation from a yeast/bacterial infection, as well and may signaify something serious--- you should really see a doctor. Especially, if you know what be normal for you before, and are immediately having changes. You could narrate your mother(if you live with her) that you think you own an yeast or bladder/urninary and ask her to take you to the doctor. And when you see the doctor, you can tell him/her going on for the lumps you feel.

Hope you get better soon.
Best bet...see a doctor for specifically the best diagnosis

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