Pain after vibrator?
Answers: Checked it out on wiki and it seem the only impair phthalates have be linked to have been related to testicle nouns in males any exposed to it after birth, or born of mothers exposed to it while pregnant. The substances consumer products are made of do go through trialling in the United States and most other developed countries to ensure they're nontoxic for individual consumer use.
Theres the article with its footnotes
They are no toxis because they are tested previously but you may own some alergy. try it i your * .
You won't have any long occupancy effects, but I wouldn't use anything that hurts you. look up the effects of that toxin and see if it can cause irreversible damage. probably since you usually get the impression fine you are fine. but definitely throw out that toy and get hold of a new one.
Do you remember to use lube? Phthalates hold been certain to cause irritant issues. Most toys don't contain them any longer and you will see frequent descriptions on toys that say flat out they do not contain any phthalates.
With any toy if you are cause pain after using it you should not use it any longer. This is not to read out the "size" of the toy could be an issue but if your body is comfortable while using the toy but you have significant dull pain later you should discontinue the use of that product. Also other be sure to use a quality lube that works in good health with your specific product. All lubes are not created equal and some are not intended to be used with specific stuff types.